What happens if I'm pregnant and I run away?

I’m 16, and I’m pregnant. If I run away can my parents make me go back to live with them?

Answer #1

Angelfire, you are a minor. Your parents can have you brought back by the police. Period.

My question is, WHY do you want to run away??? If it is because of shame or fear of hurting your parents, please believe me when I say that, as a parent, the ONLY THING that I would want for my daughter is that she is safe and happy. I’m sure that your parents love you dearly. They might be saddened that you have become pregnant, but they will continue to love you. You need their love and support now more than ever. And Sexybunny is right — it IS your choice as to what will happen with this pregnancy - whether you end it, or put the baby up for adoption, or raise the baby yourself. Please, think VERY strongly about going to your Mother. Then together you two can talk with your Dad.

Answer #2

in canada it is completly legal to move out on your own at 16, but your parents are stuck supporting you til your 18, I think you need to think about your baby if your keeping it, and whats best for him..what will have the best outcome? its your choice

Answer #3

If you run away, you’ll cause more problems for yourself. Your parents can actually report you missing, then the cops get involved. You don’t want that do you? Why do you want to run anyhow? If it’s because your afraid, just be honest with your parents. They’ll be even madder if you lie to them. I’m sure you guys can work something out.

Answer #4

They can call the cops on you and you could be arrested.

seriously, not joking. And yes they can make you go back in live with them.

Answer #5

You’ll just end up with the law - it will just make the situation way worse than it already is.

Answer #6

bimjob is like… 1000 percent correct

Answer #7

My teen ran away and I did call the police. She tried moving in with her boyfriend and his parents they were all for it. Even had the nerve to say they could take care of her with addition welfare benefits. grrr Not a good siduation at all, they can barely afford to put clothes, wash those clothes (boyfriend wore smelly clothes a lot) and feed the two kids they have. A sixteen year old living with her boyfriend, I can’t begin to say all the things that are wrong with that. She claimed we were horrible parents, didn’t want to live with us, was in our faces yelling and screaming and telling us to kick her out. She even told her boyfriends parents we abused her and his dad threatened us with violence. (Turns out he had a violent felony record and we now have a restrainting order on them.) She failed all her classes because she didn’t turn in assignments or homework, she only missed four days. Did I say she got preg. in the bathroom at school? We put her in an independant pregnancy home, well sort of. She cooks for herself, goes to school, church, cleans up after herself, does charity work and washes her own clothes. She receives counceling to become an adult & mom; indiviually once a week and group everyday. She lives with one house mom (there are three that rotate) and three other girls that need the same guidance (you can not be violent, they don’t take violent girls). There is a psycologist there everyday from 9-5pm. Now she appreciates home, mom & dad, her computer, her freedom and being a teen. She is there until the baby is born, so she can learns intil it becomes a habit to be a good mom and behave like an adult. She receives two phone calls a day and comes home one weekend a month to practice what she learns. She will come home when the baby is two weeks old and live with us until she is eighteen. She could stay there until she is 18, but we think six months should get through to her. It is based on your income and we pay $500 mth. Hopefully she will be much better, consider her future and allow her father and I to help her! This self distructive behavior and dangerous behavior had to stop. TOUGH LOVE FOLKS To the young girl threatening to run away. Please stay home, talk with your parents, finish school and go to college while you are living with your parents. They will help you with that baby, but you have to act responcible. Running away puts yourself and your unborn child in danger. You need to think of that baby and its safety before you do anything! If authorities think your parents can’t control you, then you could be put in foster care until you are eighteen. Sometimes that is not in the town you are living in, it could be several hours or futher away. You would be harder to place with a baby, which may be further from home. Get a third party to sit with you when you tell your parents. Call the police and get an officer to sit down with you when you tell them if you are scared. The police hear this all the time and you can not get in trouble with them. Call Hope Life 1-800-395-HELP they can councel you. I will pray for you!

Answer #8

ummm nooo I suggest you dont run away and just tell your parents the truth…if you do run away then your parents would probably report it to the police and they will find you anyways and possibly take you to juvie

Answer #9

that’s true. and thanks jimbob. I found your advice heartfelt and genuine ><

note: they probably will call the cops and report you as a runaway; but it has to be after a 24 hour period..

Answer #10

I am a 14 year old pregnant teenager if I tell my family I’m going to get kicked out my only choice to runaway but my plan is to runaway to a dad that would take me in no matter what was to become of me but im scared I have money to get there but my worry is getting there before getting caught what do I do???

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