What if you are my daughter's boyfriend?

I really need an answer. Okay, I am a father and a very strict father. well, I used to be but now its just a bit. I am very very protective and I always make sure that I support my family in any aspect of life, especially FINANCIALLY. I always thought my kids that money is worth working for and I always want them to finish good education to get a good job and very very stable good future. [any parent want that]. but most especially I dont want my kids to have a zero amount future. meaning I dont want them to have a poor life someday. and so, I am making sure that my daughters get the right guy for them to support them the way I did for them.

here’s the question What if you are my daughter’s boyfriend?

What do you want me to ask you about for me to know that youre going to be a good partner in all aspects most especially in financial status?

I want all young boys/guys/boyfriends who has girlfriend with a dad like me answer my questions and please do give ideas on what do you expect your girlfriend’s father ask you about? you can also give me a list of questions you want to hear from a father like me.

Thank you!

Answer #1

I don’t know you or your daughter or how old she is. If she is between 13 and 16 years of age then you might be justified in being overly protective. If she is sixteen or older, you might start being a little less protective and more encouraging to her in what qualities she should look for in boyfriends. However, let her make, pretty much, her own choices. Sometimes she will have to make some bad choices before she learns how to make the right ones.

Especially after she reaches 18, you can offer your opinions but let her make the decisions.

You can’t successfully make the choices for her. She may choose based upon criteria more important to her than money. What’s most important is to allow her to choose based on what makes HER happy now and for the future.

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    I hope you do not take offense,
    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #2

well my advice as being a girl, whos father was the same, you may be able to give them the advice, but dont make the mistake of telling them who they cant be with, specially when theyre young teenagers..they need to express themselves, and there feeelings..and by telling them they cant see someone, will only make them want to more. so be carefull

Answer #3

Maybe you should focus on finding a guy that respects and cares for your daughter, not one who can take her of her financially.

Answer #4

…does your daughter care about financial success the way YOU do?

Answer #5

ok, I know I am not a boy, but here are some questions I would be ok with my father asking my boyfriend (if I had one hahaha) p.s I am assuming they are still in high school if not, oh well haha

1- so, what grade are you in? 2- what do you want to be when your older? 3- whats your favorte sports team, if any? 4- what kind of music do you like? 5- any political veiws?

try and get to know him befor you break out any major questions that might scare him off. dont just sit there and ask him questions either, throw them into a simple conversation. some things not to talk about: 1-religion 2-money 3-sex ( you realloy dont want to know!)

anywho, hope I was able to help you out a little bit.

Answer #6

hello and stop stressing, I am a single mum with 4 boys, 20, 10, 4, 3. You cant choose your futures for your kids but you can support them by listening and keeping an open mind about everything about them. Dont know how old your child is but that would be a big help as far as advice goes. Your not alone with these concerns and there are professional advice programs for these matters. Perhaps you could look at community based programs that offer parenting classes that you both can attend. Once again I say it is too difficult to give advice if there is not enough info to offer a more advisable way to approach yours and your daughters situation

Answer #7

I would like my girl’s parents to like me. They like me as her friend but not as her boyfriend, atleast I don’t think.

my girl is between 13-16 so I think the father should invite the boyfriend over and ask him something like

  1. how do I know you actually care for my daughter?
  2. how do I know you and my daughter aren’t going to be doing bad things together?
  3. how can I trust you?
  4. explain how you see my daughter, what do you think of her.
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