Space needed

Hey my name is serina and I am 18yrs old. I have a bit of a situation and im sure that many other people have to but this for me is outragous!! My mom and dad both treat me like a little kid. I cant go out when I want to I cant sleep over my friends house nothing ii cant even date the guys I want to date, my mom judges them by their looks and dont talk or try to meet them…it is killing me!!! What to do !!

Answer #1

You are 18 years old. You are legal to move out of your parents house and you should. They have every right to treat you like a child when you are still living in their house, because you are their child and you are under their roof and rules still. If you want space, start to look for a job, get your own money, and find a nice apartment somewhere.

Answer #2

I know it’s easier said than done, but your 18, you have the right to move out, as…well you should. if you want to…go to college or move in with friend or stay at a motel or something…like I said, I know it’s easier said than done but…still. oh…and talking is good too…I always jump to the most despret conclusion, definitly talk CALMLY first, then think about moving out.

Answer #3

Im sorry but I have to comment on Jahanna87… Your 21 and you got punnished??? How does that happen? YOu need to move out of that house ASAP

Answer #4

heyy im 21 and yesterday my dad punished me, I cant talk on the phone, he took my cell away which he is not allowed to do b/c its under my name and I pay for it, just talk to them and tell them how you feel. im thinking of moving out b/c I dont get along wit my father at all all he does is verbally abuse me calling me a failure, disgrace to the family etc. hope none of this is happening to you. I would say talk to them and ell them your feeling, dont yell just talk calmly hope this helps.

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