Mom's favorite

my mom admitted to me the other day that she cares more about my twin sister than me and its because she has a boyfriend and I dont. I know I am ugly and everything and I wont ever get a boyfriend so I know my mother will never care about me or anything. is that a good reason for my mother to care about my sister more than me? I do everything for her (my mom). my sister claims that my mother and I are responsible for messing up her “happiness” with her boyfriend from this past weekend. I told my sister today that our mother prob txted her boyfriend and she told out mother that I told her and my mother said, “see?! thats why nobody likes you and your stupid! you need to quit getting in peoples business!” I was just looking out for my sister cause I got to feelin my mother is going to be the reason if they breakup and then I will get blamed for it. this is the kinda crap I have to deal with and cant say anything bc people hate me and this is why each day I get closer and closer to jumping of a bridge or overdosing on otc meds. do yall think I am the horrible person they claim I am?

Answer #1

Poor dear, it’s not fair and not very motherly of your Mom to do that! You’re not a horrible person, just misunderstood. A lot of kids are these days, it’s normal, so don’t get upset over it. Instead you should make yourself stronger because of it. You should stand up for yourself at all times. Like when your Mom was telling you off, you should’ve told her there and then what actually happened, what your real intentions were, and that you do NOT deserve to be treated that way.

It’s hard to believe sometimes that the person whom you’re supposed to be loved and trusted from treats you like that. That’s so not cool. If it gets tough, you should talk to someone about it. It can be your best friend, school counselor, church pastor, teacher, school nurse - anyone you can trust.

Killing yourself isn’t the solution to anything, it doesn’t help anyone, and it doesn’t solve any problems. Be the more matured, responsible person in the family, put them in their place and be your own person. You can’t let meaningless, hurtful words get to you anymore, because you know that you’re better than that.

Answer #2

What your mom said was not OK in the least, but people say stupid crap when they get angry. Your mom DOES love you, she just isn’t sure how to show it the right way. Like with the answers above, you should find someone to talk to - letting it all out makes all the difference, believe me!

I know where you are coming from when you say you think you are too ugly to have a boyfriend. I felt the same way. I never had a boyfriend until this last year and I’m 19! The first one didnt work out, and I couldn’t understand why no one loved me like that. A friend recently told me that I’m not the kind of girl that guys mess around with, I’m the kind they marry - she told me to just stop looking for guys and stop worrying.

I did just that, and what do you know? An AMAZING guy showed up in my life that actually cares about me and thinks I’m beautiful just the way I am.

Just you wait, things always get worse before they get better as they say. Great things are coming to you, and they will happen when you least expect it. Don’t live for anyone but yourself and don’t change yourself for someone else’s sake. Hurting yourself will not solve anything - you are just running away from your problems. I used to think that it might be better if I wasn’t around, but then I remembered that there are people out there that have it much worse than me. So hang in there! I promise it gets better. Let me know if you want to talk - I can’t be biased since I don’t know you after all.

Answer #3

NO, but you need someone to talk too and find out what you can do to make the situation better. I suggest opening up to someone you trust (like a friend or an older adult ex.:Aunt, teacher) and if possible getting help from someone who knows where your coming from (ex.: school counselor, social worker, psychologist). I’m sure your Mom and sister love you just the way you are, they might just not be able to tell you the way you want them too. Sometimes people say stupid things when they are angry. Either way, all this will pass and you’ll be independent and have your own life soon enough. So don’t be going and doing something stupid that will ruin all the good stuff that’s coming your way.

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