The neighbors child hit my child

This is the second time the neighbor kid put there hands on my child , I went to the father the first time, he said well, I did not witness this , Ok what parent says that , I just wanted to see if we can resolve this , the kids play a lot and argue , but the hitting Im finding is just out of line , the second time she put her hands over my daughters mouth and flinged her from side to side, I did witness this :)Sent her home and told her she was to tell her mom why I sent her home, the mom came over to get the sister , and I asked her if her daughter told her why I sent her home , she said no , I proceeded in telling her why I did , her comment back to me was that there must have been something leading up to this , I was floored by her comment , what parent says that , no matter what the situation other than if my child was hitting hers and maybe she needed to defend herself , is she to put her hands on any kid!!! I then over heard the mom say I attacked her the mom that is , and that I said her daughter was vicious, none of this I said ! She also called me a name C you _ t fill in the blank ,she doesnt know that I over heard her say this ! What is wrong with this parent I wanted to fix the problem she wanted to make excuses ! Are kids have been playing for almost 2 years they are 6-7 years old, play all the time, eat at each others house and go to school together. The mom & I are friendly , so I thought

Answer #1

Get your child OUT of that situation for their own safety - that is the priority.

Answer #2

I would prohibit my kids from playing with their kids. Sometimes, that’s the only solution to thses types of problems.

Answer #3

Yes! I agree with amblessed! You shouldn’t wait for her mother to take any sort of action to stop this, it seems she doesn’t even care, you should do what you think is best for YOUR child, even if it means her having to stop playing with her friend. Even though they are still young it could become more frequent and violent! Its best you put an end to it now.

Answer #4

I think you should immediately contact the Sicilian Mafia and arrange for them to “Have a Word” with the parents, and the neighbour kids (for good measure).

Once word gets around that they now sleep with the fish you’ll have no further problems.

Oh…or just don’t let your kids play with the neighbours..that may be too simple a solution though…you decide.

If you go for the first, look up a certain Don Corleone on Google, if he can’t help you then his son Michael may…

Answer #5

Well that definitely sounds like a mother that thinks their child can do no wrong. If it was my child I would not be letting them play together or if they did it would be at my house where I can watch what is going on. I would also (before they come over) lay down the ground rules …no hitting, kicking, biting,etc…

I don’t know what to tell you about the mother except that she needs to remove her head from her *ss…kind of makes it hard to see what’s going on doesn’t it? You need to tell the mother that her child will not be allowed over if she’s going to act like that and while you have no problem with them defending themselves, you do however have a problem with them acting like the neighborhood bully.

It really doesn’t matter what reason the child had for hitting there is not excuse for it.

Answer #6

I think you should sit both children down and explain to them both that it is wrong to hit others and that it is wrong to tease others in order to make them mad. I’d explain to the visiting child that you like her and that you like her and your child being friends and playing together. And, that she and your daughter need to know that they must respect each other and always TRY to get along. Also, that if either one of them have a problem, that they should come to you to get it solved fairly.

Don’t simply place the blame on the other child. Your child may have done or said something that provoked the other because the other child doesn’t know how to otherwise handle those situations.

Consider the possibility that her parents don’t care or maybe don’t really know how to parent.

The burden on you is to help the other child learn how to play with your child.

Don’t worry about your relationship with the other mother. The only thing that matters is that your relationship to the other child is positive and helps her learn.

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Answer #7

do you live next to my neighbor too? I swear the woman next door disgusts me! I swear I’m living next to the bates motel the wonder years! The neighbor boy is 11 and “autistic” so she says but I have worked with numerous developmentally disabled kids and the only thing I see is no discipline and certainly no consequences to any of his actions! her world revolves around him and when he had done little stupid kid things in the past her answer is always oh he didnt mean it he’s special. fine I let it slide but the other day my 8 year old daughter tells me he’s been telling her for months now that if she doesnt play with him he’ll stab us all in our sleep! I mean who says that? I was appalled! I knew though that if I just confronted the mom id only get more of the same he didnt mean it…so I called the cops and she blew up how dare you call the cops instead of talking to me I told her this was a definite line that needed to be drawn and im was through discussing anything more with her. now I just get to live in fear and tension with a psycho next door neighbor and her insane son until I can afford to go elsewhere! what is wrong with people?! I wish you the best!

Answer #8

what your child needs to do is hit the child back they may be the best of friends after

Answer #9

I think you should immediately contact the Sicilian Mafia and arrange for them to “Have a Word” with the parents, and the neighbour kids (for good measure).

Once word gets around that they now sleep with the fish you’ll have no further problems.

Oh…or just don’t let your kids play with the neighbours..that may be too simple a solution though…you decide.

If you go for the first, look up a certain Don Corleone on Google, if he can’t help you then his son Michael may…

Answer #10

ugh parents are sooo annoying “Spank her” “time out” “keep her away” “ground her” why doesnt every parent just shut up and let us do what we want sometimes

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