Questions & Answers

  1. dating an older woman
  2. What is a Sophmore & freshman ???
  3. Question about levels in school, what years are sophomore / freshm
  4. I love my ex boyfriend and I want him back
  6. my boyfriend is ignorin me
  7. please help
  8. Controlling boyfriend
  9. Engagement how youg is to young to get engaged?
  11. He's in Jail......And I'm falling for someone else!
  12. Stomach exercises
  13. what kind of classes do you have in high school
  14. I want to be with my ex boyfriend but he doesn't feel the same way
  15. My boyfriend went to college
  16. Unhooking a Bra
  17. Considering weekend entertainment - ideas for things to do on satu
  18. Signs
  19. message
  20. Best place to find out games for the playstation two that will fit
  21. Best way to monitor my nutritional intake - watch my diet?
  22. Cookware suggestions or recommendations - looking for articles
  23. does he want me
  24. My boyfriend accuses me of cheating and I'm not...
  25. having a disability
  26. Help my husband lies to me everyday!
  28. me and my boifrend
  29. looking for wife
  30. Feel like I'm not very good at school, does anybody else feel this
  31. im too ugly
  32. i can't deside witch guy to chose
  33. my nipples are really light and I have bad stretch marks.
  34. I have a boyfriend but I can't forget my ex
  35. how to get started
  36. Where 2 draw the line
  37. Im pregnant and my boyfriend wont work! Help
  38. itchy vagina when I wipe, do you think this is a problem?
  39. Married with crush
  40. How do I make a guy in my art class jealous?
  41. Abused ove 10 years ago, Just reported it, some help please!!!
  42. I need help masturbating in front of my boyfriend, any ideas to ma
  43. Tips on reducing debt
  44. im in love wid him bt I hate him
  45. Should I pursue distance edcuation for a bachelor's degree?
  46. I’m in love with him, and he’s leaving for college.
  47. I’m in love with him, and he’s leaving for college.
  48. How to simulate the feel of pussy?
  49. dwelling on the past
  50. Why are my parents so unfair?
  51. our love life
  52. speed up puberty
  53. we fooled around, he has a girlfriend but I like him
  54. my boyfriend confides in my best friend about our relationship!
  55. How to win my boyfriend back
  56. Is the real estate market going to crash & is there a housing bubb
  57. broken heart
  58. Does anyone have great diet tips to lose weight fast but healthy?
  59. Crushing big time!
  60. hes older than me what do I do
  61. How to get over my ex!
  62. I´m in love with my best friend
  63. My low-sex drive
  64. How to behave when i see him with another woman?
  65. What should I do
  66. One or the Other..
  67. His friend kissed me
  68. why does she have to act so confusing
  69. How do I know if I am for sure ready to get fingered or give a blo
  70. How can I get my lover back
  71. is he abusive?
  72. things
  73. Money or happiness?
  74. I gave him a blow job and we both liked it!!!
  75. I cant get over him
  76. older boyfriend
  77. is he cheating?
  78. Marrried but obsesed with another man
  79. High risk pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, childs father and I b
  80. What Do I Do about this Guy?
  81. What happens if you wear a tampon too long?
  82. I'm getting married in a week and not sure if I love him.
  83. Could someone please clear this up?
  84. Is my friend being a jerk?
  85. He thinks he likes my best friend
  87. how to make my boyfriend stay hard
  88. I dont know what to do and I hate it,HELP!!!
  89. I don't know what to do and I hate it
  90. orgasam
  91. why are guys reluctant to talk with pretty girls?
  92. Does my Guy friend have a Crush On Me?
  93. im a boy who fell in love with my friends sister.
  94. should I ask this guy out?
  95. I don't know what to think or how to react
  96. Does My Guy Friend Have A Crush On Me?
  97. too body concious
  98. im in love with my boyfriend just broke up its because hes going
  99. he cheated on me-how or should we start over?
  100. lying friend