
i’m crushing on my Guy friend…(i have a good feeling he likes me too but im not Sure) he does sweet things for me that makes me think he likes me….

-he walked me home late at night several
different times after the bar, -he calls often to hang out, -he acts protective/uncomfortable when OTHER guys are flirting with me, -he told a friend of mine that one drunken nite that he was thinking of screwing me -he once told me who he was crushing on i promised not too tell anyone (and he knows i didnt tell his secret) eventually he lost interest in her and i
asked him who he was after this time and he said he couldnt say who it was..? *is that because he likes me but is too shy to admit it..?.

Answer #1

Yeah he does like is to a point but its that point you have to find out. Does he just want to have sex with me and then fall out of interest with me? or does he want a relationship with me? I say get to know him abit better and see how it goes…

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