why does she have to act so confusing

My girlfriend and i went out for 6 months.she dumped me unexpectedly at the beginning of the summer and left for chicago for a few months. shes coming back soon and in the last email she sent me told me she really wanted to give the relationship another try. so for the past while everythings almost back to normal.i sent an email a few days ago giving her a few compliments that i always used to, just trying to get back in the groove of things. then she replys with an email that does nothing but insult me and hit soft spots. its almost as if she just wanted me to open up so she could break me once more. any advice on this subject would help a lot. thanks

Answer #1

Wow! I’m not sure I know what to tell you. I know girls can be confusing as crap but that just sounds abnormal. Just talk to her and tell you how you feel. Ask her why she did that. If you ask me I say that’s the meanest thing I’ve ever heard. I wouldn’t wanna et back with her if she just dumped you out of nowhere and suddenly wants to pick things up. I’ really sorry, but I just don’t know what to tell you. I’m a girl but I have no clue where your girlfriend is coming from. Sorry!!!

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