One or the Other..

Okay, I was hopelessly in love with this guy. I would have done anything for him. We dated a couple times but not for more than a week. Some days he loved me others he hated me. He basically played me out. But now I have finally after 2 and 1/2 years gotten over him. And I have met someone new. I tend to pick the wrong guys. Yet this time I have found two that are basically right for me. One, is gorgeous, really sweet 99.9% of the time, 1 1/2 years older than me and is one of my best friends cousins. Problem is I rarely see him. I only talk to him online and on the phone. I dont know him that well yet and dont feel completely comfortale around him yet either, but I know if we hung out more I would. Next, I found the other guy, not very attractive but really nice…most of the time. He tends to be moody often but I know he doesnt mean it. We talk everyday for hours and I feel completely comfortable around him. Yet he gets jealous easily. He is in my grade and attends my school. So I see him everyday. So, I’m confused and cant choose which one to go for. Please Help!

Answer #1

Moody and jealously is something to stay away from. Maybe neither is really right for you, be careful.

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