Questions & Answers

  1. Is it possible to have a wedding somewhere else in The Sims 2, or does it always have to be in the backyard?
  2. How do I glitch my Polaroid film?
  3. What is a good T.V show/series to watch on Netflix instant stream or Huluplus?
  4. What is a good pet that's cheap, you can hold, and is somewhat portable?
  5. What are some jobs a 16 year old can get in NYC?
  6. Why do you think teenagers have a need to rebel?
  7. Which power would you choose - light speed or the ability to fly?
  8. Should I stay with an iPhone or should I buy an HTC phone?
  9. How can I buy something online with a prepaid credit card?
  10. Can I petition for a couple of students to be expelled (read more)?
  11. Can someone tell me a historical person that supports or associated with the "silence" virtue?
  12. Does anyone know a website that has the answers to the questions at the back of To Kill A Mocking Bird?
  13. Would it be a violation of students' privacy to post about them anonymously in a newsletter?
  14. Is it bad to want a prom-themed wedding for your reception?
  15. What are some ways to whiten teeth quickly?
  16. Can I sue my dad because he never gave my nana child support?
  17. How much does a piano cost?
  18. What foods help burn belly fat?
  19. What would be the ideal 'model weight' for someone who's 5'4"?
  20. Why do people like planking; what's the purpose of it?
  21. How do I delete favorites from my Windows 7 computer (read more)?
  22. Does my teacher like me more than as a student?
  23. What is the point of Cleverbot?
  24. What's your definition of love?
  25. What are some unique, yet not totally out of the blue, girl names?
  26. Why do girls give nicknames like trigga, backbone, middle finger, ace, etc to each other?
  27. How to do makeup like Louise Cliffe?
  28. What is the significance of piercing your ear at the top left or right?
  29. How can I check another person's AT&T cell phone statement?
  30. What is a decent brand of suspenders?
  31. FunAdvice Trivia: What do funambulists walk on?
  32. What kind of skills do you need to work in a call center?
  33. Would it be alright to clean the inside of my oven with Comet?
  34. Do you think Gaddafi is still alive?
  35. How can I make my voice louder without shouting?
  36. How can you meet rich people and work for them?
  37. Is it true that if you cut a child's eyelashes they would grow back thicker and longer?
  38. Who is going to go watch Paranormal Activity 3?
  39. How to make butter icing?
  40. If my dog has parvo, is he going to die or does he have a chance to live?
  41. How can I rent or share a cow just so I can get raw milk?
  42. What are some good ways to be lifted out of depression?
  43. How can I get rid of small white patches on my teeth if I have braces?
  44. How does Walmart treat China?
  45. How many people think in America really messed up and we should just give it back to the Indians?
  46. What is a consultation?
  47. What are some good tips for auditioning for plays?
  48. What do you think of the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"?
  49. What are exercises specific to tone arms?
  50. FunAdvice Trivia: Which of the following celebrations is not held on October 31st?
  51. How can I damage my digital camera on purpose?
  52. What are some good food sources to get Vitamin D?
  53. Do you think that the growing fad of using belly wraps after childbirth will eventually have adverse effects on a woman's ability to lose weight naturally?
  54. What do you people mean when they say that hair comes back "fuller" after you shave it?
  55. Why does my new Macbook Air randomly go to sleep sometimes and take a few seconds to come back on?
  56. Do cooked eggs in baking go bad if not refrigerated?
  57. Who besides me is NOT on Facebook, Twitter or any other site except this one?
  58. Is it shallow that we just naturally look for an attractive opposite?
  59. What are some cute and revealing costume ideas for Halloween?
  60. Why do I feel like this before I wake up and how can I stop it (read more)?
  61. Why does self harm seem so much more common an activity in the present time than it was in the past?
  62. What does this mean: "What are some of your main triggers for cutting and why"?
  63. How do you write a plot summary?
  64. Who are some good, young YouTube makeup/hair gurus?
  65. Is the oil in peanut butter healthy or should it be dumped if separated?
  66. How do I tell a girl my feelings for her?
  67. Does anyone remember the name of a movie Jack Black came out on were he played a record store clerk and argued over hilarious facts concerning music?
  68. How can you train your eyes to not shrink when someone's taking a photo of you with flash?
  69. Do I have to go to my GP to get anti-depressants?
  70. What are the weirdest jobs out there in the U.S?
  71. Can someone who knows German tell me what the description for this item says?
  72. What do you do when your heart is in two places?
  73. Does the antidepressant drug "Lexapro" really work?
  74. What can 4 years of insomnia do to a person?
  75. Is it bad to sell AVON?
  76. What are some fun online computer games?
  77. Can you get dental insurance?
  78. How old does my sister need to be to get braces?
  79. Whats the first thing that comes to mind when someone says "redneck"?
  80. Why will Adam Joseph Copeland ( Edge) not go back to the WWE again?
  81. Why am I around so many people I hate?
  82. What is the meaning of Economic Function?
  83. FunAdvice Trivia: Which of the following words is defined as "without value"?
  84. What's the point of finger and toenails?
  85. Did Shia LaBeouf's recently publicized drunken brawl tarnish your opinion of the the young actor?
  86. Would you be annoyed if you invited a guest to your wedding and they chose to invite their children without your consent?
  87. If I wanted to start a fad today, what would be a good one sure to catch on?
  88. Should I wear skinny jeans or normal boot cut jeans with my burnt orange sweater vest?
  89. What's a normal time to have lunch?
  90. Do hormone pills for menopause make you moody?
  91. Is it normal to experience very intense pleasure from your partner after a hysterectomy?
  92. Why has my Cockatiel recently lost all strength in his one foot?
  93. Can a person major in theater?
  94. How can I learn the history of my home for free?
  95. How long should I wait to put in a 14 gauge in my ear if I just pierced my ears today?
  96. What can change the position, physical composition, or temperature of matter?
  97. Is it better to work out only one muscle group a day, or to work out two or more?
  98. What is your idea of a perfect first date?
  99. How important are extra-curricular activities when applying to university?
  100. Could you ever trust someone completely knowing that, in the past, they ended the life of another human?