FunAdvice Trivia: Which of the following words is defined as "without value"?

A) Sesquipedalianism B) Verisimilitude C) Somnipathy D) Floccinaucinihilipilification

Answer #1

O.O umm, either b or c. Going with… C?

Answer #2

Ooh, i look smart.

Answer #3

are these in real words O_o I think its D….am I right??

Answer #4

I’m going for D too…. souly because I can’t even sound out the word. Otherwise it’s all of them because they aren’t words and therefore have no value?

Answer #5

after i answered it i looked it up, they are all words. I just hope others dont look it up BEFORE they answer.

Answer #6

Okay, I KNOW THIS ONE!! Its either…. A… B.. or C…. OR D… O_O Going to take a wild guess and go with D? :D

Answer #7

I’m going to go with D just cause I recognize it from Ned’s Declassified lol. Don’t know how I still remember it though…

Answer #8

It’s D

Answer #9


Answer #10

c i guess

Answer #11

The answer is: D) Floccinaucinihilipilification :)

Answer #12

God forbid I go on a job interview with the interviewer using that kind of vocabulary….I’d run out the door…..Then again maybe I can use it on them and watch them run out the door….Then again, ether way there would be “no value” negating the purpose of using the word. LOL

Answer #13

woot! That was some guess :D

Answer #14


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