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What are some good food sources to get Vitamin D?
I think most milk is fortified with vitamin D to help you absorb the calcium & many other dairy products. Also some orange juices are fortified with vitamin D. Also just being out doors and in the sun causes your body to produce D3 - tho it takes a certain spectrum UVB light. Even in high latitude area’s there is sufficient UVB light to cause your body to produce Vitamin D3.
K thx
Actually, humans get most of their vitamin D from the sun. The reasons Caucasians have light skin is because as mankind spread northward there was less UVB and lighter skin was an adaptation to produce more vitamin D. I’ve long read that 10-15min of summer Sun exposure to your arms and face is enough for Caucasians to produce enough vitamin D. Now some of the experts I read recommend 20-30min. Of course if you are exposing more skin you will produce more as well. It is true that in Northern states that UVB does not penetrate the atmosphere during the winter but it does during the Summer. Seafood is the best natural dietary source of vitamin D in our diets. Some foods are fortified with small amounts of vitamin D but it is difficult to get enough of this vitamin just from fortified foods if you don’t get any Sun and do not eat seafood.
Sun dried Shiitake and button mushrooms, are high in Vitamin D. But make sure they are SUN dried and not by other means. Eggs also in addition to fish will give it to you. And vitamin D is a preventative in warding off Type II Diabetes, which is becoming all to common.
BEST VIT D = 15min unprotected sun exposure a day! ITs healthy and necessary,
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