How long should I wait to put in a 14 gauge in my ear if I just pierced my ears today?

(i would like to gauge ASAP)

Answer #1

I believe that if you done the piercing yourself, I’d wait a little while, and then try something else. Don’t you think. You might just get infected or something.

Answer #2

Like 3 months. You just got them pierced, slow down.

Answer #3

yea wait aleast 3months before let them heal then start to stretch your ears. Time will go by fast and then you can have fun. good luck

Answer #4

Trolol omg ur just like me xD i went from a normal ear piercing to a size ten gauge in a day xD it hurt tho.

Answer #5

;) i want them so badd :) but its a week today and i’m gonna go one more week then i’ll go to 14g or 12g just to be safe ;)

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