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What is a decent brand of suspenders?
I want some neon suspenders for Halloween and I’ve found some cheap ones from outer rebel, but every person said they snapped the first time. Know any good-fun brands?
Are they the things that hold up tights?…the things that are so high up worn that you normally are near naked in order for another to see em?…are they something older women usually wear to make there ageing body even more attractive?…if so why would a 14 year old want to wear em?…it should be illigal…The sexualisation of children is wrong,suspenders are considered sexy by most and below 18…it is just bad taste.
dude. I just want some colorful suspenders for a MODEST costume. You know, like stretchy elastic that old guys wear to hold up their pants. yeah. I’m not about to be a disgusting near naked person. they’re just a fun accessory. example: http://funadvice.com/r/bmthns6lp19
Dude it’s just an accessory, it’s like saying necklaces are for pleasure. Chill out.
I see them at spencers all the time & bought some at hot topic.
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what are the good brands of moisturizer lotions. From-Amila.
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Which brand is better? - 9 Answers
hey peeps I was just wondering which brand is better PlanB or volcom???
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Is opi really the best brand of nail polish out there? Anyone knows about voxy? Or any other good brands of nail polishes to...
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