Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What Bible says the word "replenish" Gen 1:27&28
  2. What happens when you die?
  3. What happened to the others?
  4. Do you Believe that ghosts are real?
  5. Do you think all people will be Atheists by 5200?
  6. God Exists 2- The Revival
  7. Bible Condemns Animal Killing
  8. Difference between Christian and Catholic
  9. Do Christians believe that women are weaker?
  10. Why is denmark making fun of muslims?
  11. Jesus the only way?
  12. if god existed...
  13. God Farts
  14. All religions in Heaven?
  15. What's your opinion - stats on religion?
  16. Believe that god is an old man with a white beard?
  17. What would I require to believe in God?
  18. Is god with me?
  19. Why doesnt any body think god is real
  20. Nostrodamus, The Mayans, I-Ching, NASA
  21. Why are they constantly trying to prove me wrong?
  22. Being left alone by my family about religion
  23. Does anyone know how to control a broom?
  24. why is it not a sin to kill an animal?
  25. Can Creationists be "real" scientists?
  26. Do Jews believe in Jesus?
  27. Can I still go to heaven even if I dont go to church?
  28. Thanks to all who prayed
  29. Did jesus have siblings?
  30. Are all Salvation Army employees Christian?
  31. Do you go to church?
  32. Is belief In Jesus necessary for Salvation ?
  33. Oujia boards
  34. When is Jesus returning?
  35. One right religion?
  36. The Rapture
  37. What happens when you die?
  38. What determines how our soul is going to be?
  39. Is the Devil real?
  40. Do you believe in your sign?
  41. Was it a good idea for me to get saved
  42. Christians and scientific evidence
  43. How to show my friend that God exists?
  44. Any Christians feel that Easter is too downplayed?
  45. I want to be confirmed
  46. What name should we baptise?
  47. Mary the Mother of God
  48. Is the beard becoming a symbol of terrorism?
  49. How many different Indian faiths are there?
  50. Whats up with easter and eggs?
  51. What did Jesus really look like?
  52. Losing my belief in god?
  53. Would you be scared if you went through Purgatory?
  54. Is science taking away the Glory?
  55. Is anyone here Wiccan?
  56. What do Christians think of science?
  57. Is science figuring out how intelligence did it?
  58. Is Venus, Mercury, Sun Hell.
  59. Big bang theory
  60. What if there is no Lord?
  61. Question for atheist, theist, etc
  62. Differences in beliefs of religions?
  63. Religion assignment
  64. Sylvia Brown?
  65. For the christians
  66. Being spiritually at peace?
  67. All these religious debates need to stop
  68. Adam, more than one wife?
  69. What religion is right?
  70. How to change my bad ways and become Christian again?
  71. Adam and Eve and The Snake
  72. If adam and eve were the first humans what about the animals?
  73. Why are other religions so quick to hate athiests?
  74. Wondering if everyone believes in a karma spectrum
  75. Agnostic vs. Atheist?
  76. For the atheists
  77. Questioning god?
  78. Do religious people see athiests as being bad people?
  79. Those who dont believe in god
  80. Are we willing?
  81. So if I make a sin I go to hell?
  82. Living longer or shorter?
  83. How can people deny their creator?
  84. What was the greatest temptation that Jesus faced?
  85. Was every prayer that Jesus prayed, answered?
  86. proof that the bible has not been changed?
  87. Are there any Gay Christians?
  88. Who believes in the Bible?
  89. Online priest
  90. Why does the date of easter change?
  91. How do you pray?
  92. Haunted houses that are around the dutchess county area?
  93. What experience have you had with God?
  94. Gay-bashing Churches
  95. Questions about God
  96. People assume that you are christian when you talk about god?
  97. Why did God let species go extinct?
  98. Why do people want to believe in God?
  99. What is religion for?
  100. Is the world really ending?