So if I make a sin I go to hell?

Why do people say if you sin you go to hell? And then say that god is love??

Love is a part of forgivness tho? Im so lost…

Isnt god just energy?

And why is jesus god? Isnt he just a man that respected him? Did he say he was in fact god?

And how did he save us? And if he didnt “save” us what would of happned? We”d all burn in hell?

Why would we burn if we didnt kill him in the first place??

Just wondering please dont critisize me for asking because I grew up with no religion and I just want to know whats up =]] Please and thank you

Answer #1

You are only 15 so you have a lot of knowledge yet to gain. Don’t commit yourself to any particular belief until you have had a chance to study many of them. If you study the various religions (not just the Christian ones) and analyze the differences between them you will eventually come up with the belief that best suits you.

  “Does hell exist?”

  No! Hell is a contrivance of mankind for the purpose of controlling people.


“will we be punished by God?”

No! God is outside of the universe and time and doesn’t meddle in the affairs of the universe.

“Doesn’t evil and suffering prove that God doesn’t exist?”

No! It only shows that we have no true concept of God, God’s plan or man’s relationship to God and God’s plan.

In contrast to believing in the Bible, I believe:

  1. That God is that Creative/Causative Force that exists before the beginning of the universe/time and continues to exist outside of the universe and time.

  2. That “Force” created/caused the spiritual/soul entities to come into being.

  3. The spiritual/soul entities continued the “Creation” with the “Big Bang”. And, through evolution and possibly subtle manipulations, have caused the current state of affairs.

  4. The spirits/souls choose to inhabit the various physical bodies that they have created in order to experience physical reality.

  5. When bodies die the spirit/soul continues to exist and often times reincarnates into another body in order to continue its growth.

  6. The purpose of it all is for the spirits/souls (entities) to gain knowledge and experience and to ultimately rejoin or evolve back into the Oneness of God.

The Bible is a book of history and guidance for peoples of certain times. The Old Testament was meant for the societies and peoples of ancient times. The New Testament was meant to change much of the Old Testament law and to guide the society and people of two thousand years ago.

The Bible worked during the time periods it was meant to cover. Its guidance protected the people and gave value and purpose to their lives.

The problem is that the Bible was meant for past eras and was successful therein. It, however, did not keep up with the times and technologies during the advancement of mankind.

There may still be some lessons that can be learned from studying the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, the lessons must be tempered with the knowledge that exists in the current time period.

Man and his technology has evolved considerably since Biblical times. The Bible has not evolved accordingly. It is therefore the province of man to interpret the whole Bible and attempt to allow its relevant parts to fit into the lifestyles of the current era.

As long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, men are free to follow the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Your rights and beliefs end where mine begin.

  The Bible is a “crutch” which is necessary for some but not for all. It is a book written by men with the purpose of helping to guide other men through some of the pitfalls that life has to offer. It is also meant to give hope and purpose to those who may have no other way of finding same.

Just as with other fictional works, it is not meant to be taken literally but parabolically. Parts of its historical accounts may be factual while other parts are symbolic. And, yet other parts are simply devices wherein to protect the health and well-being of people of that era.

It takes many religions to give guidance to those who are in need of direction. Some use the Bible as their basis while others use other Books. They all serve a needed purpose. They all benefit the society of man.

Just because the Bible (or some other Book) is right for you does not mean or make it right for everyone else. The human race is a diverse species. It has many different cultures and Beliefs. Grant to each their right to choose that which fits them.

 The Bible is a book of history and guidance for peoples of certain times. The Old Testament was meant for the societies and peoples of ancient times. The New Testament was meant to change much of the Old Testament law and to guide the society and people of two thousand years ago.

The Bible worked during the time periods it was meant to cover. Its guidance protected the people and gave value and purpose to their lives.

The problem is that the Bible was meant for past eras and was successful therein. It, however, did not keep up with the times and technologies during the advancement of mankind.

There may still be some lessons that can be learned from studying the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. But, the lessons must be tempered with the knowledge that exists in the current time period.

Man and his technology has evolved considerably since Biblical times. The Bible has not evolved accordingly. It is therefore the province of man to interpret the whole Bible and attempt to allow its relevant parts to fit into the lifestyles of the current era.

As long as they do not infringe on the rights of others, men are free to follow the teachings of the Bible for themselves. Your rights and beliefs end where mine begin.

  The Bible is a “crutch” which is necessary for some but not for all. It is a book written by men with the purpose of helping to guide other men through some of the pitfalls that life has to offer. It is also meant to give hope and purpose to those who may have no other way of finding same.

Just as with other fictional works, it is not meant to be taken literally but parabolically. Parts of its historical accounts may be factual while other parts are symbolic. And, yet other parts are simply devices wherein to protect the health and well-being of people of that era.

It takes many religions to give guidance to those who are in need of direction. Some use the Bible as their basis while others use other Books. They all serve a needed purpose. They all benefit the society of man.

Just because the Bible (or some other Book) is right for you does not mean or make it right for everyone else. The human race is a diverse species. It has many different cultures and Beliefs. Grant to each their right to choose that which fits them.

  I choose

I chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

Answer #2

Hi tabz, I’m so glad you decided to ask questions about what you didn’t understand. And sorry ahead of time for my answer being so long but you did ask a looot of questions lol :)

  1. No, God is not just energy, God is a being. He is the Creator of all things.

  2. I don’t know whether or not you know about the beginning how God created Adam and Eve. But to make it short, the world was without sin in the beginning(when it was just them two and God) until Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil and they sinned. This separated man from God (that’s the definition of sin, separation from God). When they sinned, they plunged man into a curse. Jesus came to fix what the curse did to man and to reestablish relationship between man and God.

  3. God made man to be His friend. The animals were not enough, He wanted someone who was like Him (we were made in His image). He wanted someone who would love Him not because they had to but because they wanted to. He wanted to take the risk in making someone who could choose to be His friend or choose not to be. This was our original purpose. Adam and the devil messed up God’s friendship. But God is such a relentless, loyal Friend that He came down through 42 generations and created Jesus so that friendship could be restored back to God. The devil thought that his plan had worked, bc of course he knew God is a fair God and so if a man sins, it has to be punished. The devil knew the only way man’s sin can be removed is that man has to pay price for it. He also knew that, in order for sin to be removed, pure blood has to be shed. He also knew that no man will ever live and fulfill both of those requirements (no man will ever have pure blood, that is, be without sin). The devil thought that that we would never be restored in our relationship with God and that sin would have us all destined for hell. But what he didn’t know was that God had a plan, and His plan was Jesus. The plan was that a man be born of a woman (Mary), because anything born of a woman is a human. But bloodline is always determined by the father. God overshadowed Mary and she conceived a baby (Jesus) before she ever even had sex, so there was no seed of a man. Jesus is the devil’s nightmare: He is every bit man but He is every bit God bc He doesn’t have man’s blood in Him. Our salvation has been planned for thousands and thousands of years, He came after His friends. This is why you hear people say Jesus is God, because Jesus is God manifested into the earth.

So, when Jesus shed His blood on the cross, He reversed the curse, He took the curse on Himself, though He did nothing to deserve it (He was pure, He’d never sinned). He took off His righteousness and traded with us, putting His righteousness on us and putting our sin on Him. He took our sins to the cross so that we could be free for the rest of our lives.

So we are not saved because of anything we do, but we are saved because we made the exchange with Jesus. We accepted the free gift of God that He’s offering us bc of His grace and love. Now we are able to be forgiven because of the blood of Jesus, we are able to have relationship with God. But only through Jesus Christ, there is no other way to God but through Him. We must accept Jesus as our personal savior, God said that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved. I called on Him and He saved me.

  1. The reason people say if you sin you go to hell bc the wages of sin is death (not natural death, but spiritual death, and that is what leads you to go to hell), that’s the result. But that’s why you can be forgiven. God doesn’t want anybody to go to hell, He’s given us opportunity to ask for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness and we’ll be forgiven, just like that; and He will remember it no more. It’ll be like we never sinned. Going to hell has nothing to do with who killed Jesus. If the people who killed Jesus repented and asked for forgiveness they too would be saved. Going to hell has to do with not accepting Jesus’s sacrifice. Ask Him to come into your life and He will, without hesitating.

  2. God IS indeed love, that is why we’re not alll going to hell. Every last one of us sins, but He’s a forgiving and merciful God. He loves every one of us more than we could ever know, His love is unconditional, we don’t have to earn it and nothing we could do could make him stop loving us. He loved us before we loved Him, He loved us before we cared, He loved us before we could do anything for Him. He saw you in the secret places of your mother’s womb and He loved you. He doesn’t love you for what you can do for him, He doesn’t love you for what you did last night. His love will be there in the noon day, it’ll be there at night, and it’ll still be there in the morning when you wake up. He loves you because you’re His. He created you, looked at what He made, and said it’s good. He looked you in the eyes and He loved you. His love is so amazing, it’s the only thing in life that’s a sure thingJ Hope I made sense to you! If you ever want to know any more or need me to clear something up, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Answer #3

as long a you ask for forgiveness you dont. And God does love us beause he sent his one and only son to die to forgive us for our sins. which is how he saved us. and Jesus is God too. its part of the thrinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Answer #4

womanofvirtue - Awesome answer… I love it…


Answer #5

God gave this world over to man and he gave it to satan, now the Christians are the ones who choose to live the way God originally intended. the rest of the world does what they thing is right murder, stealing, lying, ridiculing, envy and jealousy. God reaches out to those who ask in pray.

Answer #6

Again you don’t go to hell for what you do but what you don’t do. If you don’t accept the sacrifice that pays for everything you are doing and have done, then you refuse the price already paid.

Answer #7

Throughout history, religion has been responsible for a large proportion of the suffering in the world - yet religious beliefs are based in ancient myths and legends that should have been discarded centuries ago. Pretty much all religion is bullshit.

Answer #8

WELL IF YOU CONSIDER YOUR SELF A MISTAKE, THEN ONLY THAT WAY GOD IS ENERGY, and to be forgiven you´ll have to sincerelly ask (God) for it. so you may want to think about it.

Answer #9

It depends on how bad your sin is like if you kill someone, yea your pretty much going to hell unless you beg for forgiveness or confess to a priest. :)

Answer #10

no you wont go to hell. you can ask god for foregivness but if you keep sinning and askin god for forgiveness.well it dosnt work out so well :[ . but jessu was gods son (essentaly god ) but he died on the cross for our sins so we could be saved and go to heaven even though we deserve eternal damnination in hell which is bad ofcourse :P but if you sin once .no you wont go to hell. if you have anyy ??s ask me

Answer #11

Heres how it is If you ask jesus into youre heart you are forgiven for youre sins. Jesus died for us bc were sinners @ yes we would burn in hell w/out him bc he never sined and god need someone pure to die for us.We didnt kill him people in the bible did. (people that lived in the stone age.) Jesus is gods son. My friend whos a coke addicit @ realey mean guy got staph @ was given 3hrs to live. He is now completley healed. Dont tell me thats not god. @ dont go on about scince or the docs saving him. Science says he should be dead @ the docs wanted to pull the tube. hope this helped.

Answer #12

The real answer to your questions can be found in the bible. We are all sinners and if we do not pray and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come into our hearts, then we are condemned go to hell. When we do sin, if we repent of our sins in the name of Jesus, we are forgiven by God and are no longer held accountable. However this does not mean we should commit the same sin over and over again, because that is like a slap in the face to God. God is love because when we ask Jesus to come into our hearts, we are granted eternal life in heaven when we die. “For God so loved the world he gave his only begotton Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16 :)

Answer #13

If you sin we do go to hell unless we pray by saying this…

Dear Lord, Can you forgive me of my sins, so I can be with you in heaven, for enternity under your name Amen

simple as that.

Jeuse is the lords son and he sacraficed his son for us to be able to forgive us of our sins and go to heaven with him. Its youir choice if you want to belive in him or not. even if you muder or give little kides magic mushrooms and you say my prayer trufly and meanfly he will forgive you.

If You have any more questions on that ask me.

Answer #14

God and Jeasus are says it in the bible… if you make a sin no you dont go to helll because god will forgive you for it.

Peace and Love

Answer #15

JESUS Rocks He’s the alpha and omega the begin and the end, the saver of everyone’s sin, Does not matter what you have done Jesus will forgive all and any of your sins. cause hes the rock

Answer #16

Maybe God needs to try a bit harder if he is ‘all powerful’ and do more to stop the murder, neglect and abuse of so many innocents in this world.

Man starts wars but it is always the innocent, the old, the infirm and the children that suffer most. Can God not do more to protect these?

Unfortunately, unlike the poem, ‘Footsteps’, God is not always there for those who dearly need him and his support in their times of suffering and despair.

Answer #17

wow I think that all of your replys are beautiful. but god cant be proved. at all but that doesnt mean hes not there. I understand but also, if you would watch this movie called the secret it explains “the atraction of life” and I think thats what makes “miracles” happene

in fact its proven. and once again thank yall so much for explaing the stufff with I was so curious. haha

peave=love =]]

Answer #18

In the end it just a story: Some people, believe in the story so much that it rules their lives.

The best way to answer your questions: is for you to try and read the bible. Its a little bit of a pain to get through but you will get the true answerers you where looking for plus you won’t have someone else’s opinions or views tainting your knowledge on the subject. You will be able to take it in for whatever it is worth.

Answer #19

wow your popular lots of answers so fast ..

Answer #20

no you we not go to hell if you make a sin because I made a sin and I didn`t go to hell and I want go to hell

Answer #21

if you belive in ya <3

Answer #22

All of us, once hearing the Good News, have the option of accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior or rejecting - whether you accept or reject, BOTH have consequences - God’s word makes it clear, those who accept will go to Heaven - those who reject will not - so it’s not the ‘sin’ that determines, it’s ‘rejection’ that determines - this is what I know to be true: God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus…Hope this helps !!

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