Gay-bashing Churches

if churches are supposed to be accepting all of the community…then why do they gaybash people??? I dont find that very christion like at all!!!

Answer #1

“OH, I see. In other words, why do churches preach what the bible says? Right? “

Churches can preach whatever they want, and other people have the right to point out how hypocritical they are.

“If they don’t, then, they have to answer to God. I think they would rather incur the wrath of man. God demands that his people preach the truth. In love. “

Is it yours, or the churches job to judge others? Isn’t that supposed to be gods job?

“They are to preach about all sin. There are multitudes, not just one. “

Well if your god thinks that two people loving each other is a sin, than he is one evil bastard.

“Sin seperates a person from God. “

no, sin is a label people like you use to segregate and persecute those who believe differently than you.

“And must be repented of, if a person is to be saved.”

So are you asking for repentence for judging others?

“That is the gospel of the bible. “

A book written by flawed men.

“If a church claims to have allegiance with God, then, they must preach the truth.”

Preaching hate is not preaching truth.

“The truth, in other generations have cost many their lives.”

The truth? You know nothing of truth. The churches truth has cost many many lives in past generations.

“However, they gave them willingly, in order that many might be saved.”

I understand martyrdom, and appreciate the sacrifices some have made. But that has nothing to do with this bigotry toward gays.

“And that in the end, when their time is up, God will say to them. “ ‘Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into what I have prepared for you. ‘

Except those who refuse to renounce the person they love because they happen to be of the same sex.

“These words are what a Christian longs to hear. “

You can keep them. I want nothing to do with a place like that, full of bigotry and hypocrisy.

Answer #2

The reason I think Christians draw a very strict line with homosexuality is because of the Bible. Homosexuality is associated with things like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is clearly condemned in both Old Testament law and New Testament counsel. Historically, it has been seen as a very evil, disgusting behavior in Christian Western culture. Certainly in Puritan colonial communities and in early America, this meant that homosexual behavior was not only sinful, but illegal.

That is why I think modern Christians draw the line on issues like homosexual marriage. Mind you, I don’t agree with it at all, but I do try to understand it.

Answer #3

Here’s the part I think everyone is failing to see or understand. No person, be them Christian, Hindu, Atheist, etc, is perfect. Meaning, no person is free of sin. There was only one person who was perfect and that was Jesus Christ.

For all us you who are frustrated with the hypocracy of Christianity, you need to realize that TRUE Christianity (I say that because about 70% of all churches are straying away from the Truth that is in the Bible. They are making their own interpretations and writing their own books that are not based on the TRUTH) is about a perfect man–Jesus Christ. Those of us “Christians” are not and will never attain the perfection that He did. We are destined to sin or make mistakes. We go to church and read the Bible to try and be better people. Yes, we stumble. Yes, we judge. Yes, we act in ways that seem the complete opposite of our beliefs. That is because we are human, and humans are sinful by nature.

Now don’t think that a TRUE Christian thinks it’s okay to live a horribly evil life…go get drunk every weekend, be promiscuious, curse like a sailor and then use “Prayer” or “Confession” as a crutch. True Christianity is about the journey and constant struggle to be a better person EVERY SINGLE DAY, not just to go act badly and expect Jesus to wash you white and make your sins disappear. Those are the folks that Atheists and Agnostics look at as the poster-children for Christianity and it’s so completely misleading! That is not what God wants and thus not TRUE Christianity.

Now that we understand human nature, of course there are radical separatist chruches that preach against Gay people or white people, or purple people or whatever. The truth is that God gave us all free will and there is a Devil that is at every turn. Every choice we make in life can take us on one of two roads, that which is “Godly” and that which is “Evil”. The Devil likes to mix things up. He entices people with sex, lies, greed, etc. That’s where you see people–even Christians– stumble. It has nothing to do with Christ. It has everything to do with the Devil and the fact that humans are faced with choices everyday and are NOT perfect. We are in a constant battle with this.

I’m a Christian and am not perfect, but here’s what I think about Gay people. Being gay, or getting drunk, or committing adultery, or lying…these are all sins and they are all the same in God’s eyes. I sin EVERY day. I’m just as guilty as any Gay person. We as humans, have absolutely NO right to judge who’s going to Heaven and who’s going to Hell. But what we can do is pray for God to show us how to better reach people who are in a sinful life and need help. That doesn’t mean we judge them and cast them out. Jesus would have NEVER done that. If you are familiar with His story, you’ll note that He was always spending time with the “riff-raff” type of people. Those people who were “unGodly” in the eyes of others. Those who were downright hated. Those whose sinful ways threatened their health, their relationships and their all-around lives. Those were the people who needed Him the most.

We have a responsibilty as Christians to tell the story of Jesus-Christ. While we cannot change anyone, we can plant a seed. God is the water, sun and soil for that seed to grow. We have to give it up to him. But NEVER are we to judge. God and Jesus love everyone. They HATE sin and sin is the Devil’s “gift” to us. We are all meant to be better and we can, if we just follow His footsteps.

Answer #4

Here’s the part I think everyone is failing to see or understand. No person, be them Christian, Hindu, Atheist, etc, is perfect. Meaning, no person is free of sin. There was only one person who was perfect and that was Jesus Christ.

For all us you who are frustrated with the hypocracy of Christianity, you need to realize that TRUE Christianity (I say that because about 70% of all churches are straying away from the Truth that is in the Bible. They are making their own interpretations and writing their own books that are not based on the TRUTH) is about a perfect man–Jesus Christ. Those of us “Christians” are not and will never attain the perfection that He did. We are destined to sin or make mistakes. We go to church and read the Bible to try and be better people. Yes, we stumble. Yes, we judge. Yes, we act in ways that seem the complete opposite of our beliefs. That is because we are human, and humans are sinful by nature.

Now don’t think that a TRUE Christian thinks it’s okay to live a horribly evil life…go get drunk every weekend, be promiscuious, curse like a sailor and then use “Prayer” or “Confession” as a crutch. True Christianity is about the journey and constant struggle to be a better person EVERY SINGLE DAY, not just to go act badly and expect Jesus to wash you white and make your sins disappear. Those are the folks that Atheists and Agnostics look at as the poster-children for Christianity and it’s so completely misleading! That is not what God wants and thus not TRUE Christianity.

Now that we understand human nature, of course there are radical separatist chruches that preach against Gay people or white people, or purple people or whatever. The truth is that God gave us all free will and there is a Devil that is at every turn. Every choice we make in life can take us on one of two roads, that which is “Godly” and that which is “Evil”. The Devil likes to mix things up. He entices people with sex, lies, greed, etc. That’s where you see people–even Christians– stumble. It has nothing to do with Christ. It has everything to do with the Devil and the fact that humans are faced with choices everyday and are NOT perfect. We are in a constant battle with this.

I’m a Christian and am not perfect, but here’s what I think about Gay people. Being gay, or getting drunk, or committing adultery, or lying…these are all sins and they are all the same in God’s eyes. I sin EVERY day. I’m just as guilty as any Gay person. We as humans, have absolutely NO right to judge who’s going to Heaven and who’s going to Hell. But what we can do is pray for God to show us how to better reach people who are in a sinful life and need help. That doesn’t mean we judge them and cast them out. Jesus would have NEVER done that. If you are familiar with His story, you’ll note that He was always spending time with the “riff-raff” type of people. Those people who were “unGodly” in the eyes of others. Those who were downright hated. Those whose sinful ways threatened their health, their relationships and their all-around lives. Those were the people who needed Him the most.

We have a responsibilty as Christians to tell the story of Jesus-Christ. While we cannot change anyone, we can plant a seed. God is the water, sun and soil for that seed to grow. We have to give it up to him. But NEVER are we to judge. God and Jesus love everyone. They HATE sin and sin is the Devil’s “gift” to us. We are all meant to be better and we can, if we just follow His footsteps.

Answer #5

Churches can preach whatever they want, and other people have the right to point out how hypocritical they are.

Churches are to preach the truth, according to Gods word, if they claim to know him. They are not free to pick and choose what they teach and preach, they are to proclaim the whole counsel of God.

by being hypocritical, that would mean that they (the churches) preach one way, and live another. And some may, but, they will have to answer to God.

Is it yours, or the churches job to judge others? Isn’t that supposed to be gods job?

We judge ourselves. If we are guilty, then, it is up to us to do something about it. A Christian is to proclaim what the bible says, it is a mandate from God. His word brings conviction. I am not judging you, you are judging yourself, according to what the word says.

Well if your god thinks that two people loving each other is a sin, than he is one evil bastard.

That is your right. God will not interfere with your choice, he will however, try to warn you, and bring you to repentance, because he loves you, and desires a relationship with you, that is pure and holy and true.

no, sin is a label people like you use to segregate and persecute those who believe differently than you.

No, it is the line in the sand. Where we stand, and where you stand.

So are you asking for repentence for judging others?

I have judged no one, you have judged yourself.

I simply answered the post, and answered according to what Gods word says.

A book written by flawed men.

A book written thru the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, given to Holy men of God, preserved thru the ages, at the cost of many lives.

The truth? You know nothing of truth. The churches truth has cost many many lives in past generations.

God gave this world over into the hands of men, he is soon coming back to judge those men for what they have done with his world, and his word. Everyone will answer to him, as to whether their deeds are good or evil. They will be punished accordingly. He left the book, for us to go by, how we choose to live is up to us, in the church or out. Judgement is the same, and it starts at the house of God.

bigotry toward gays.

What you described above is not bigotry. It is simply preaching and teaching the truth of Gods word.

This is the defination of bigot:

a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

I think the key word here is his or her own… opinions… which is not what we are talking about here. I have no opinion of my own. What I believe in and stand upon is Gods word, Gods opinion, and Gods prejudices against sin. I guess if you want to call him a bigot… you can.

He does not bow to our opinion. He is God.

Except those who refuse to renounce the person they love because they happen to be of the same sex.

You can love that person without sinning. The sin is not in the love. It is in the homosexual act. However, if the love that you felt was impure, even if it was only in your heart, it would still be wrong, because God judges the attitudes of the heart.

You can keep them. I want nothing to do with a place like that, full of bigotry and hypocrisy.

God will not force anything upon anyone. His offer is availble to whosoever will. But, he does not bend the rules for anyone. The same set of guidlines go for everyone. Sin is sin, some sin is worse than other sin, yet, it will all be judged. It will all be answered for.

Answer #6

Rom 1:26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. Rom 1:27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved.

1Ti 1:9 But they were not made for people who do what is right. They are for people who are disobedient and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who murder their father or mother or other people. 1Ti 1:10 These laws are for people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contradicts the right teaching.

Answer #7

OH, I see. In other words, why do churches preach what the bible says? Right?

If they don’t, then, they have to answer to God. I think they would rather incur the wrath of man. God demands that his people preach the truth. In love.

They are to preach about all sin. There are multitudes, not just one.

Sin seperates a person from God.

And must be repented of, if a person is to be saved.

That is the gospel of the bible.

If a church claims to have allegiance with God, then, they must preach the truth.

The truth, in other generations have cost many their lives.

However, they gave them willingly, in order that many might be saved.

And that in the end, when their time is up, God will say to them.

“Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into what I have prepared for you. “

These words are what a Christian longs to hear.

Answer #8

First off the Churches dont bash anyone. It is people who attend the church who are obviously not Christians. I consider myself a Christian and I dont believe in that way of life but I would NEVER talk bad about a Gay man or woman! I have never met a gay person who was not super nice.

Answer #9

* “I dont find that very christion like at all”

…but other Christians do. There are thousands of Christian sects each with different perspectives of what “true Christianity” is all about. Christianity is not a religion, it’s a religious category.

Answer #10

Agreed editor. They seem to only be concerned about what other people do, but don’t you dare look into what they are doing. As I said, narrow-minded hypocrits.

Answer #11

God hates the sin but loves the sinner, which means he loves the person who chooses to be homosexual but he doesn’t want them to be homosexual because you can’t create human life with a man and a man or a woman and a woman and I don’t believe that God “makes” people homosexual, it’s a choice.

Answer #12

if churches are supposed to be accepting all of the community…then why do they gaybash people??? I dont find that very christion like at all!!!

Churches arent suppose to be accepting of all communities,,, People that hate on people your right are wrong but no ones perfect. “””

Answer #13

People are really stereotyping! The Catholics are strongly aganest it, the Anglicans are split. I’m not sure about the Orthodox, Evenjelicals, Baptists, or the United Church though.

Answer #14

I think people hate god not because of god himself, but because of his worshippers. AKA christians. I dont believe in god myself, but I might, if almost all of his worshippers werent buttholes. wwho wants to be like those mean judging christians?? I DONT!

Answer #15

Revalations 22:17

Blessed are those that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But, outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

Answer #16

It is our beliefs.But we are not sopposed to judge people either. We preach on it b/c it is aganist the bible and a deadly sin.

Answer #17

So ironic, because the bible calls many things a sin.

Such as wearing cotton and getting divorced.

I see Christians doing that all the time, yet the gay stuff is what they choose to single out to hate others. Well, most of them anyway.

Bugs me to death.

Answer #18

I agree, christianity is all about love and there should be no bashing of anyone whatsoever. unfortunately all churches are not in tune with what we are called to do, which is show the nature and LOVE of God, which they are failing to do because God loves everyone as they are, gay or not.

Answer #19

The church has always disliked those who were different, at one point it supported slavery because that was apparently supported by God, and at one point it insisted the world was flat… again, apparently because God said so…

People who are truly religious (not just those who say they are) know about casting the first stone, and treating others the way they themselves want to be treated… they know that adultery is a sin too but no one goes around harassing people who cheat… and they believe in forgiveness, as for the rest of the people, they are hypocrites, and you cant do anything about that…

Answer #20

the god you describe is pure evil.

Answer me this. I am not gay, but I believe homosexuality is perfectly fine, and is morally no different than heterosexuality. I am an upstanding citizen, do charitable works, and live a secular but moral lifestyle, much the same as you except without all the praying.

Will I be saved?

Or must my salvation be contigent on me believing as you do, that there is a god, satan, heaven and all the other nonsense?

Answer #21

I guess it is true that ignorance is bliss. You are extremely blissfull silverwings.

Answer #22

Gay bashing is labeling gays as sinners, or as immoral, or wanting to deny their right to marry whomever they choose.

Answer #23

It depends upon what you are calling Gay bashing… what exactly do you mean by that?

Answer #24

Because they are narrow-minded hypocrits.

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