Being spiritually at peace?

I was wondering if someone could give me any advice to becoming more spiritually at peace. I believe in god..but I’m not talking about anything like that.. I mean sorta like emotional stuff..ugh I don’t know how to explain it, I hope I don’t sound stupid..but does anyone understand what I’m trying to say? I’ve heard that yoga and meditation gets people in touch with the spiritual side. But I need more help.. :( thanxx a lot

Answer #1

For me it’s arrending a Praise-filled, Bible teaching, Great, praising choir and church that really charges my batteries and gives me a great peace in my walk - knowing I’m on the solid rock and His wonderful promises of what lies ahead (Blessed Assurance) - I feel bad for those in these perilous times that don’t have the same…Hope this helps !!

Answer #2

Thanks, I didn’t notice the mispelling - should have been ‘attending’ - not perfect, just forgiven, thanks again !!

This was a true statement: ‘dispiciple << - never heard of this word - I had never heard or am familiar with the word, sorry.

Answer #3

Fall in love with Him. You know how when you’re in love, everything just seems right with the world? Well it’s the same way with falling in love with Him. Nothing else seems to matter but the fact that He’s who He says He is and that we are who He says that we are. We are righteous, we are victorious, we have authority and dominion on this earth, we are protected, strengthened, loved, and so much more. He’s so desperately in love with us, returning that love brings a peace and joy that you will never know from anything else in the world.

As for me, I get the majority of my peace from worship. it is a must that you take time away from the world and everyone else in your life, and have that quiet personal time with God. That you talk whatever’s on your mind out with Him, and not just talk but listen for His answer. Sing love songs to Him, make up songs from your heart to Him, lift Him up above your problems above all circumstances above how you feel at the moment above everything, and then He’ll lift you up above them too. You’ll find peace in His Presence, I guarantee it. He is faithful, ask for peace and you will receive it.

These are some particular scriptures I find peace in:

(He will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him, because he trusts in Him) Isaiah 26:3

(Peace I leave with you, My peace I will give you, not as the world gives you do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful) John 14:27

(These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world) John 16:33

Answer #4

amblessed, phonetically speaking, I’m sure that you couldn’t figure out “dis-pic-I-ple”. come on. you know what it means. here I will use it in a sentence you are despicable to point out the mistakes of others while ignoring your own.

and to beautifullybrokenxo, I think that I need to go and meditate. lol.

Answer #5

I meditate. and to amblessed I must ask “For me it’s arrending a Praise-filled, Bible teaching…”

“arrending”? did you mean “attending” and I must add another answer from you ‘dispiciple << - never heard of this word.” how nice that you point out other people’s misspellings but don’t correct your own.

Answer #6

You have the answer right in your heart if you believe in God. I do know what you are talking about. The scriptures give life and peace. Start with the Gospel of John if you are a young or new believer. Try reading a chapter or two per day. Before you begin ask God your open your eyes to the truth. God’s spirit resides behind the words and they come alive as we seek Him with our whole heart.

Yoga can be good exercise but be careful because some of the basis of yoga stems from Eastern (non Christian) religion. Meditation can also help relieve stress but there again if you will read and meditate on God’s word you’ll be amazed at what can happen.

Answer #7

In answer to the OP, you’ll be forever searching as long as you consider your spiritual side a ‘side’. When you fully embrace your humanity, rather than trying to keep it separate, your angst will begin to fade. You have to be willing to accept that you’re often wrong. You have to be willing to accept that your ‘human frailties’ are ordinary and part of who you are rather than some kind of flaw. Learn to understand it rather than fight it.

Answer #8

I did a whole lot of research on other people’s beliefs before I came to an understanding about my own. give yourself time to be alone with your thoughts and give your thoughts some fuel (like knowledge). maybe check out a few books on philosophy and develope your own opinions. these are all things that made me spiritually stronger. pray and/or meditate (same thing in my book) every day and all the time. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Answer #9

womanofvirtue-Totally awesome answer !!!

beautifullybrokenxo -What you are asking is far from stupid, It is a powerfully important subject, and if everyone pursued it, you would find very few backslidden people in the world.

Getting in touch with the Spirit of God, and walking in it, is a truly awesome thing. It will make all the difference in the world, in your life. It is more than worth pursuing. God is alive and well, and he wants to live big in each of his children.

The bible says to seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Pursue God with all your heart, and you will walk away blessed beyond measure.

Prayer, reading the word, fellowship, meditating, asking for prayer, all help us to get closer to God, to understand him better, and to receiving more of his spirit. Praise music helps to lift us up into his presence., especially if it is annointed.

Fasting is a discipline that reaps great rewards. You might do some research on it, and get to know more about it, then incorporate into your walk with the Lord.

If anxiety is a problem, you might want to get a copy of Joyce Meyers book, titled Be Anxious for Nothing. It helped me tremendously to lay down the anxiety, and walk in the spirit. Practice what you read also practice the presence of the Lord. As you continually remind yourself of his presence, you will gradually begin to actually realize when his spirit is present and when it is not. You will find that you like it, when it is, and that it is so very worth pursuing.

Answer #10

Being spiritually at peace?”

  Being spiritually at peace requires that you are comfortable with yourself, your level of knowledge, your life style and your knowledge of the spiritual side of your life. If you aren’t comfortable with yourself, your knowledge or your life style then make the necessary changes to improve your comfort zone. If you aren’t satisfied with your spiritual knowledge then start looking into a lot of different religions, both Christian and non-Christian, and start adding information to your spiritual knowledge until you arrive at belief(s) that satisfy you and your needs.

“What do you believe?”

  What I believe!

I don’t believe in Heaven! I do believe in reincarnation! (Rebirth of the soul in another body.)

I believe that everyone is part of the spiritual composition/soul of God. The purpose of everyone is to go forth into the earth plane and other planes to “experience” and to ultimately gravitate back into the Oneness of God.

Along their paths of experience/knowledge acquisition, many entities (the spiritual particles of God) choose to enter (incarnate/reincarnate) the earth plane with various goals as purpose.

When the entity’s physical body dies the entity goes back to a state or plane of existence where it considers its immediate past. It judges whether it accomplished those goals that it set out to accomplish and determines in which plane and under what circumstances it may need to incarnate in order to accomplish additional goals on its way back to the Oneness of God.

Essentially, the entity is its own judge as to accomplishments, failures, goals and the circumstances under which it chooses to incarnate.

The above is my opinion and is expounded upon in my treatise A Search For Truth:

(If it’s not an “active” link then simply copy and paste it into your browser’s Address box.)


  “What religious beliefs do you profess?”

  Take this simple 20-question test to find out:

(If it’s not an active link then simply copy and paste it into your browser’s Address box.)   Below are the top seven “religions” that come closest to agreeing with my professed beliefs (with the percentage of agreement):

  1. New Thought (100%)
  2. Scientology (96%)
  3. Neo-Pagan (86%)
  4. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (85%)
  5. Unitarian Universalism (78%)
  6. New Age (77%)
  7. Reform Judaism (72%)


Answer #11

If you want to be spiritually at peace you need to stop trying to be religious and start being friends with God. When someone is religious they are constantly trying to please a god of some kind but never really know whether they are pleasing him/her or not. But that is not what the God who created us and wants a friendship with us wants. In fact, He hates religion.

So how can we have that friendship with Him?

Well, first you need to admit to yourself and to Him that you are not perfect. People believe that sin is doing something terrible and being a sinner is being someone who is as bad as the likes of Hitler or Stalin. But the Bible tells us that this is not the case. Being a sinner simply means that you do not meet God’s standard for admittance to Heaven since that standard is perfection. But all is not lost.

Since we do not meet God’s standard no matter how much good we do and because sin’s payment is death and Hell (because no amount of good works makes us perfect) then someone who was perfect had to take that penalty of death and Hell for us. Just like when a law of the land is broken and someone has to pay the fine. It can be you, but if someone else offers and we accept that offer then they can pay the fine for us.

For spiritual matters that someone who paid the penalty was Jesus. We just need to accept the gift. God won’t force it on us. If we don’t choose consciously to accept it then we will never receive it just as we will never receive any gift in the physical realm that someone offers unless we reach out and take it. Ignoring the gift or rejecting it only means that we never get the gift. Ignoring Jesus’ gift or rejecting it means that we reject the payment for our imperfections and we must pay it ourselves by going to Hell for eternity.

And what does He want from us in return? Just our love and friendship. Do we still do good things? Yes. But not to get “brownie points” with God because that won’t work. We do it out of love and gratitude.

Does this mean Christians are perfect? NO WAY! We are just forgiven because the price has been paid. We do our best with God’s help and ask forgiveness when we fail. Mankind may say we are hypocrites when we fail, but God doesn’t. He knows our hearts and knows who genuinely loves Him and knows that we are not perfect. As long as we are trying with a sincere heart to change that is all He asks.

When you accept God’s gift of Salvation as a gift and don’t insult the giver by trying to pay for it with money or good deeds and accept it on God’s terms (like you accept any gift on the giver’s terms) instead of relying on your terms or what other people tell you, you will have peace. To find God’s terms, read your Bible and pray for understanding. God will tell you what He wants.

Answer #12

Some great books are out there and now is the time to explore them. “A new Earth” and “The power of now” have been helpful to many. Written by Eckhart Tolle. Check them out and begin your journey. good luck to you.

Answer #13

Hello beautifully; Your question is deep, meaningful, and searching, which is very good.

There was a time in my life that I was not at peace even though I followed Jesus closely. I began praying for His peace and was one day lead to search out every verse in the Bible that was a promise of peace.

I prayed before opening the Bible that He would teach me how to be at peace.

That’s all it took. Do you have a Concordance? If so, look up every verse that says “peace” then memorize one a week.

God bless you!!

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