Mary the Mother of God

Do Pentecostals believe in Mary?

Answer #1

For a time in my life I was Pentecostal. We believed Mary was a blessed woman who was chosen by God to be the earthly Mother to Jesus Christ. She is blessed because she had the honor of giving birth to Jesus, but is not held in higher esteem than any other earthly woman.

Answer #2

It depends what you mean “believe in Mary”. Most believe Mary was the first person to ever receive Pentecost, I.e. being “filled with the Holy Spirit” as Mark and Luke describe. However, the Virgin Mary is not revered and praised by most Pentecostals as she is in Catholic and Orthodox churches. This is because Pentecostals, like most Protestants, don’t believe in the intercession of saints.

Answer #3

Jesus said, Who is my mother, and my brothers…

Him who does the will of the Father.

He did not esteem her any higher than any believer.

The ground is level at Calvary.

There are no big I’s and little U’s.

We all come thru the blood.

Of Jesus.

Not Mary.

Not the Saints.

Not thru man, nor the power of man.

But, thru the power of God.

Answer #4

silverwings, perfectly said! AMEN!

Answer #5

Of course we do. Just that she is only human and not part of the trinity. so you shouldnt worhsip her or her image.

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