why is it not a sin to kill an animal?

If it is a sin to kill a human why is it not a sin to kill an animal? Animals have feelings too. I sometimes here people say because animals are not as smart as humans. This is true, but we do not justify killing mentally retarded people, just because they lack the human intelligence. Please give suggestions. Thank You.

Answer #1

here are some insightful passages from one of my holy books. A TASTE OF ZION- given to me by a christian friend page 83 verse 3 and the dweller of the house returned home, and his stomach did growl. what shall I maketh to curb this hunger. and therein was gathered. 2 pounds of venison steak 3/4 cup of the sacred oil 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 tsp. garlic salt 3 tblsp honey 1 chopped green onion 2 tblsp red wine vinegar

and the dweller of the house looked over these ingredients- and they were fine.

and the dweller put these ingredients together, mixing the garlic salt with the ground ginger, and then the onion came forth- and spoke- put me in for I am good. and the onion was put in, then followed the oil. the soy sauce, the honey, and the red wine vinegar. then the dweller placed the venison steaks upon a shallow pan, and baptised it with that which was called marinade. and he smelled the aroma- and it smelled good. he placed his creation within the closet of refridgeration. he allowest his mixture to dwell within the closet of refridgeration, for 5 to 10 of the holy hours. and when the venison was completely quenched within the marinade- the dweller did place the venison over the hot coals- and roasted it till the juices flowed clear, and grasping a knife - he did sliceth of a piece and proclaim. that which I have harvested and prepared here over the bed of coals- I now placeth into my mouth- and yummmyyy. IT WAS GOOD. dedicated to all you meat eaters out there. bon apetite. blessed be

Answer #2

Here is a verse from the old testament that may help you, since your question is about killing/eating animals being a sin.

Genesis 9:1-3 says: “Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall upon all of the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, now I give you everything.”

This means that originally, in the “garden of eden” and up until the point after “the flood”, humans and animals were vegetarian, until “god” told them that it was what he wanted them to do, at which point humans and other animals became omnivors.

I like to eat meat, especially beef, and I will continue eating it until I keel over.

Answer #3

“Nice comments but why must we kill animals for food? We have an ample amount of Vegetarian food to feed all of the people in the world.”

Because humans require meat to live. All humans who eat only vegetables/plants are sickly and pasty, not a healthy life to live believe me.

It might be sad that we have to kill animals to eat them, I say this as an animal lover, but it’s the food chain.. and we need them to survive.

Answer #4

After reading these Bible verses please give suggestions. Thank You. Many comments, I guess I will have to quote from the Bible to show you that the Bible is against meat-eating. “But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it.” Genesis 9:4-5 (Shows that man is not allowed to eat meat, and if he does he will pay with his own life. And he will be killed by the one he kills. This is called Karma.

“To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? Saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of goats. When ye make many prayers, I will not hear, for your hands are full of blood.” Isaiah 1:11, 15 (Shows that God does not accept even the prayers of a meat-eater.

“He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man.” Isaiah 66:3 (Shows that cow killing is equated with murder.)

“It shall be a perpetual statute for your generation throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.” Leviticus 3:17 (A trick commandment: you cannot eat meat and not eat blood. This is the origin of the idea of Kosher food (meat with the blood drained out of it). It has been compared to passing stool and not passing a drop of urine. Impossible!)

“And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of strangers who sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set My face against that soul that eateth blood.” Leviticus 17:10 (Note the term “any matter of blood”. All flesh comes from blood. This is the proof of the Bible.

Answer #5

Animals dont have souls. Animals were made for humans to have as food, and help us throught daily lifes

Answer #6

well I think theres is just differnt perspectives(sp) on how you look at it

liek gods way type of thing.. he made animales so we may feast on or something leik that I cant remeber

im not sure but I think they say its a sin to kill animal sensilly(sp) is a sin.. only to kill if you need it

and theres otuher wayas to look at it

Answer #7

Do you watch the wildlife shows on animal planet? How the preditors (lions, tiger, wolves etc) chase down and eat their prey (the antelope, deer, wildebeast, etc)…Mankind is the top preditor…above ALL the other preditors.

Hopefully, when we kill an animal, it is for food…and that we have a sense of gratitude for this living creature who died so we may live…


Answer #8

I dont know, but we have our own opinion of intelligence. animals are very intelligent, but they dont require our knowledge for there survival. the only way killing an animal would be fair is when you go out into the wild and fight it bare handed. and the only fair reason for killing an animal is for food

Answer #9

dear; I understand the tenderness of your feelings very well.but dear we are human beings the ultimate/best creature ever on this planet… so we are to survive no matter what it takes, either it is by killing some other creature.so worry much abt them. cheers:)

Answer #10

not everyone believes in the same thing, if you decide to eat plants and no meat- then go for it. as for me- I love eating meat, I love the hunt, and adding that animal to my freezer. that is the way that nature intended it to be. plain and simple- get hungry- prey on something to feed yourself and your children. if you can’t prey on something- then have a 3 bean salad. to specifically answer your question. I am not a follower of christ- thus I commit no sins, within my beliefs- so the taking of a game animal for sustenance is not a sin to me, I am a predator within nature- and I act according to natures laws.

Answer #11

To Violetstar: I am 18 years old and I have been a Vegetarian all my life. My entire family has never eaten meat and we are not unhealthy. My dad is a doctor and he lives a healthy life. Where did you get this information from. Dairy products such as Milk and Cheese provide excellent sources of proteins found in meat. Consumption of meat actually can lead to Calcium loss and other Heart related issues. There are no negative health effects of being a Vegetarian.

Answer #12

I know plants don’t have ‘feelings’, but they still live. Why isn’t it a sin to eat/kill them? As to why we should kill animals for food, it’s what humans have done for a looong time now, and all people aren’t just going to stop that. It is being introduced slowly though, and I have no problem with that. Maybe one day the entire population of the world will be vegetarians. I don’t think that time will come around the corner anytime soon though… We are too used to our lifestyles to change that drastically so soon. Britz Sorry if I haven’t really answered the question.

Answer #13

Ask god. He didnt say, ‘Thou shall not kill animals’ did he? I’m not a huge christian,

Answer #14

Nice comments but why must we kill animals for food? We have an ample amount of Vegetarian food to feed all of the people in the world.

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