Agnostic vs. Atheist?

Hi, this is a quick and simple question: what is the difference between agnostic and atheist?

Answer #1

agnostic = is unsure of what to believe. they may believe in something. for instance I believe there’s something after death, but I dont know what. I believe in ghosts and that some people can communicate with the dead.

atheist = believes in nothing.

Answer #2

I think one could argue that we are all agnositc. Because not one human being on this planet truly KNOWS and can prove that a supreme being exists. One can also say that no one truly KNOWS and can prove that a supreme being doesn’t exist.

It comes down to those who disregard what we know of the natural world through science, experience and observation, so they can continue a belief system started long before we had any of that knowledge, and those who don’t disregard it.

Answer #3

Domzila got the closest on this one. Kudos!

Atheism in Greek is “a (without) + theism (gods)” and refers to having no belief in any gods. Agnosticism in Greek is “a (without) + gnosis (knowledge)” meaning a person who has no knowledge of any gods.

The two are not mutually exclusive. I consider myself an agnostic atheist. I have no knowledge of any gods; therefore, I do not believe in them.

Answer #4

got it. thanks guys

Answer #5

An atheist doesn’t believe, an agnostic thinks there isn’t enough evidence to prove or disprove the existence of God so they reserve making a judgement so by default they don’t believe.

Answer #6

An agnostic is still decideing whether or not to belive in a higher power. And an athiest belives that there is no higher power.

Answer #7

a agnostic person believes there is something more , a atheist thinks there is no higher being

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