Health Questions

  1. How can I stop feeling dizzy when I'm sick?
  2. Why do I feel hungry when I'm not actually hungry at all?
  3. What is the medical term for ''sweat gland''?
  4. What does it mean when you deprive yourself of sleep and never feel tired?
  5. How do you relieve stomach pain without medication?
  6. Do people with multiple personality disorders actually exist?
  7. What are the definitions for "Simplicity" and "Outside factors"?
  8. Why do I feel dizzy after smoking 2 cigarettes?
  9. What foods or drink can lower cholesterol and blood pressure?
  10. Can your tongue blister after being burnt on, say, really hot pasta sauce?
  11. What can I do (without a doctor) to make this injury stop hurting?
  12. Does listening to music while trying to sleep effect the quality of sleep?
  13. Why do my toes go numb just sitting?
  14. Is freezing water in water bottles bad?
  15. What is HCAP?
  16. Does wearing tampons make you loose?
  17. How emotional do you really get when you're pregnant?
  18. Is it dangerous to sleep for 24 or more hours straight?
  19. Is being touched inappropriately considered like rape or what is it?
  20. What can happen if you don't wait the 8 weeks to donate blood again?
  21. Does sucking of nipples change their color and size (make them bigger, darker, or more protruded)?
  22. Why don't many doctors enforce the dangers of potential hearing loss from medicines?
  23. Why does menopause affect women psychologically?
  24. What is Dengue Fever?
  25. Who knows anything about Harlequin ichthyosis?
  26. How do I face my fear of sick people?
  27. How do I help control my diabetes?
  28. Will wearing 3D glasses damage my eyes if I'm not watching anything that's 3D?
  29. How come it's not good for your health if you're stressed out?
  30. Can anorexic people eat meals, or are they people who never eat?
  31. What temperature do babies have to reach for it to be bad?
  32. Should I lend them the money?
  33. What kind of sea foods can a pregnant person eat, if any?
  34. Could not wearing glasses make your vision worse?
  35. Is it possible to get worms from your pet?
  36. Should you burst a blister?
  37. How can I stay cool when I have a fever of over 100?
  38. Is it bad if I push down on my ribs and I can feel them go down some, then back into place?
  39. Does it sound like I have a concussion?
  40. What's an incision?
  41. Would this be stress/pressure getting to me?
  42. How many people die from going on dangerous diets and what are some facts I can know about it, besides they're life threatening?
  43. Why am I so cold all the time?
  44. Is is true that if you have a baby at a young age you will lose a lot of weight and be really little?
  45. What would happen on an overdose on propoxy pills?
  46. What is propoxy?
  47. Why do I keep getting random pains in my bones?
  48. Why is my husband having dreams about me being pregnant?
  49. How can I regulate my sleep?
  50. Why am I getting so much irritation around my nose and mouth?
  51. How to get rid of the phobia that somebody is standing behind me and going to kill me while I close my eyes and lay on my side?
  52. Why would I feel tired after drinking caffeine?
  53. How do you know if you have mono, and is it true you can only get it once?
  54. Would not drinking water affect the rate of my metabolism?
  55. What did baby movement feel like for you around 20 weeks?
  56. Why does the smell of my mom's make-up make me feel sick?
  57. What are bunions and how do you get them?
  58. How to get rid of the knot in my knee?
  59. Are all addictions mental addictions; if not which ones aren't?
  60. How can I make my knee feel better?
  61. Why do I usually get sick when I eat sweet foods?
  62. What are some home remedies for [preventing] bloating?
  63. Why do I get these pinpricks of pain across my shoulders and chest while brushing my teeth?
  64. Is there a way to force my mom to quit smoking before we both die because of it?
  65. Why do I get bad pain even though from xrays nothing's broken?
  66. Is it normal to get super tired after getting a Lupron shot?
  67. What do you think these symptons mean?
  68. How long after a lip piercing and tongue can you safely change it?
  69. Why does my back hurt if I've always had GREAT posture?
  70. How can I deal with life?
  71. What happens if you miss a day of birth control?
  72. Are there any negative side-effects of using night contacts?
  73. Does a doctor have to confirm that one has been diagnosed with depression or can a person know themselves when they get the symptoms?
  74. What are some of the best and extremely quick ways to get rid of head lice?
  75. What could it mean if you haven't gone to the bathroom in like 10 days?
  76. How should I express to my mom that I think I have ADD?
  77. Why does my back hurt so much when I cough?
  78. Why do I always have to crack my knuckles, back, neck, wrists, ect, even though I know it's bad for me?
  79. What could be making my chest hurt after I eat?
  80. Can a boy's testicles drop at separate times?
  81. Whats the best way to get over test anxiety?
  82. Whats a good way to wake up early?
  83. What's worse: Cigars or Cigarettes?
  84. When you have brain surgery to fix an aneurysm, do you have problems in the future?
  85. Is it true that everyone is born with diabetes and cancer, it's just in most people it stays dormant?
  86. What are the effects of eye cancer?
  87. How can I stop my coughing without medication?
  88. What is a staph infection?
  89. How do I know If I have Dyslexia?
  90. What are the risks of nicotine by itself?
  91. Why whenever I eat something that has a lot of sugar in it, it turns my stomach and I throw up?
  92. When you're pregnant, can you still suck in your stomach?
  93. Do people cry from both corners of the eye?
  94. Do men have something like PMS?
  95. Do men go through some menopause when they are 58 years old?
  96. Why do I cry when I cough?
  97. What causes a bump to form over night on my jaw bone?
  98. What are the signs of appendicitis?
  99. Is it safe to take aspirin when you have symptoms of a cold?
  100. Why do my toes on the left side of the foot feel swollen and like they're about to break and fall off?