What are some home remedies for [preventing] bloating?

I wake up in the morning and my belly is nice and flat. But once I eat and the day goes on I get a little “pot belly”, and not all the time does it have that full bloated feeling. My mom says its just noticable cuz I’m thin. But do you think it could be because of pasta? Cuz I love pasta and eat it almost everyday…

Answer #1

its most likley because of what you eat, since you obviously put on the weight of the food when it goes down your mouth. so your stomatch is going to be full of food and not empty like when you wake up

Answer #2

Yes it could be because of pasta. You could be intolerant to gluten. What you could try is to eat more fiber during the day i.e. fruit and vegetables and to get peppermint drops to help with the bloatedness.

Answer #3

I didn’t think about being intolerant to gluten. Does that mean alergic? I know my dad is alergic to wheat. And I’ve had a history of being alergic to acidic foods when I was a kid. I’m gonna try the peppermint drops, and eat more fruits and veggies.

Answer #4

Not really allergic, but intolerant is similar. Intolerant means that your body does not digest it properly and that can cause bloatedness. I’m also intolerant to it and I get nauseous often when I eat it and extremely bloated and constipated. You could ask your parents to get you wheat free pasta. It’s also an option.

Answer #5

That is a good idea too. My dad buys the rice pasta. I’ll try these remedies out. I’m eating an orange right now :)

Answer #6

Despite what’s been said so far, you might want to watch how much salty food you have, and how much water you drink, because salt makes your body retain water, which is usually what “bloating” is. It’s the same with things like Gatorade, “electrolytes” are just salts put in there to retain water and keep you hydrated while playing sports.

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