Parents & Family Questions

  1. Why won't my sister back off of me?
  2. How to tell my Dad I'm still close to my ex?
  3. What can the police do if I leave home at 17?
  4. If the parents are underage, who has rights to take a baby?
  5. Can my girlfriend move out at 17?
  6. How do I get my Mom to accept him?
  7. How do I get emancipated?
  8. How can I prove she stole my stuff?
  9. How to tell my parents and friends that I'm gay?
  10. What if a son catches a cheating mother?
  11. How to make my Dad keep my abusive brother?
  12. How to get my brothers to let me have a boyfriend?
  13. What's your relationship with your siblings like?
  14. Why are my big brothers so protective of me?
  15. What's some advice for teenage mothers?
  16. How to convince my parents to let me date?
  17. How old must I be to move in with my Aunt?
  18. How to deal with overprotective brothers?
  19. What if someone's Mom is beating them?
  20. Who else has the coolest parents ever?
  21. How to convince my Mom I don't miss my sister?
  22. How to come out of the closet to my parents?
  23. How to tell my parents I want to move in with my grandparents?
  24. Is the divorce my fault?
  25. Why are my parents like this?
  26. What to make for my brother's birthday?
  27. How can I hide my piercing?
  28. How can I move on from past issues with my Dad?
  29. Can someone move out at the age of 17?
  30. Why are my parents suffocating their adult daughter?
  31. How old do you have to be to move out?
  32. What if I'm scared I'll be a bad Mom?
  33. Should I keep my baby?
  34. How to convince my Mom that I don't miss my sister?
  35. Are parents still in touch with their families?
  36. Why are my parents still butting in?
  37. Can I move out at 16?
  38. How can I get my parents to stop being mad at me?
  39. How to make my parents lengthen my clubbing deadline?
  40. How can I move out at 15?
  41. How do I tell my parents I want to move in with my boyfriend?
  42. Am I right by cutting my sister out of my life?
  43. How do we tell our families about marriage and a child?
  44. Should I keep my Mom from seeing her granddaughter?
  45. How to tell my family I want to move out?
  46. How to tell my Mom I may be pregnant?
  47. What would make someone change their Will?
  48. Can they make me move when I'm almost 18?
  49. Can I move in with my boyfriend's family if I'm being abused?
  50. How can I run away?
  51. Can I leave my parents?
  52. Can you get married without parental permission as a runaway?
  53. How can I get out of my house?
  54. How to get my parents to allow me to date now?
  55. Should I give my cousin this bracelet?
  56. How to get my Stepdad to talk to me after walking in on us?
  57. How to deal with my sister disrespecting me?
  58. Should I tell my family I was molested?
  59. How to get my Mom to let us sleep next to each other?
  60. Why are kids so perverted nowadays?
  61. Is it natural to have cold feet before you get married?
  62. How to live with a heavy drinker?
  63. How do I tell my family my darkest secret?
  64. What if I hate my Dad and want to move out?
  65. How can I help my friend calm down her Mom?
  66. How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  67. Am I being too overbearing?
  68. What if my parents don't know the trouble I get into?
  69. How can I find my real Dad?
  70. How do you get over almost losing your family?
  71. Why do I have this relationship with my parents?
  72. How can I move out already?
  73. How can I help my nerdy sibling?
  74. Should I talk to my dad?
  75. Do you ever feel like life is unfair?
  76. How can I get my parents to stop the rules?
  77. How can I get my parents to let me date?
  78. Should I stay living with my Dad?
  79. Should I stay in my difficult house until I'm 18?
  80. How can I get my parents to let me go to the movies?
  81. What did you do when your parents divorced?
  82. Do you have both of your parents?
  83. What will my parents say if I have a baby?
  84. Do you know any tips for running away?
  85. How can I tell my parents I want help?
  86. how old where you when you had your baby ?
  87. Should I ignore a family member who doesn't like my boyfriend?
  88. Is emancipation the right thing?
  89. How do I get my sister to tolerate me again?
  90. Can I move in with a friend to go to that County's school?
  91. How can I get my Dad to treat me better?
  92. How to be a great man?
  93. Can I move out at 18 if I'm not graduated?
  94. Do you think he looks like me?
  95. strict
  96. Why doesn't my sister love me?
  97. How can I get my parents to like my boyfriend?
  98. How can I stop myself from believing what my sister says?
  99. How can I get my Mom to let me do community service?
  100. Can I move out at 17 if I drop out of school?