Can I move out at 16?

Okayy this is kinda an ongoing thing with me n everyone. My mom kicked me out because I failed 9th grade last year and she thought that I would do better at my dads house. I absolutely HATE it here and I miss my family out there and especially my friends whom mean the world to me. I currently live in the syracuse area of New York and it disgusts me. All the people here are extremely rude and really mean, my Dad and my stepmom make me feel like crap everyday and im STILL not doing much better in school. I really want to get away from this and this is not how I want to spend my last few fun teen years. I know they say that you should stay at home and savior them, but I cant stand it anymore. I want to move out, live with a friend, get a job and most importantly STAY IN SCHOOL. A few of my friends have done that but some people say that if your parents call the cops they can report you as a runaway. I NEED HELP!!!

Answer #1

You just need to straighten up and fly right! If you say you want to stay in school that bad, then you will do whatever it takes to get through for another year and a half. Buck up kid! It’ll fly by and then you’ll be free to make those dumb mistakes you’re making all on your own!

Answer #2

It appears you need to work VERY hard on being more responsible for yourself/actions and get your life moving in a positive direction - we all make mistakes/bad choices but we can change….I wish you the best !!

Legally, you must be the ‘age of majority’ for your state (usually 18) or become emancipated:

Emancipation refers to the point at which a child is free from parental control.

Emancipation may be the result of a voluntary agreement between the parents and child, or it may be implied from their acts and ongoing conduct. For example, a child who leaves her parents’ home and becomes ENTIRELY SELF-SUPPORTING without their objection is considered emancipated, while a child who goes to stay with a friend or relative and gets a part-time job is not. Emancipation may also occur when a minor child marries or enters the military.

In order to become emancipated you must be able to answer the above questions and be self supporting which means:

  • Have a job
  • Live in home or apartment
  • pay bills

Contact the Court office or a Professional Attorney in your immediate area for further assistance.

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