How do I get my sister to tolerate me again?

I moved out of my parents house about a month ago and ever since my sister hasn’t said more than a word to me she won’t talk to me she won’t even look at me we weren’t that close when i lived there in fact i always thought that she hated me i hate this i always thought that even though we might not get along we would always talk to each other and i’ve tried to talk to her but she wants nothing to do with me when i go over to the house she leaves and when she is there she won’t even sit in the same room as me i don’t know what to do PLEASE help i just want mysister back!!!

Answer #1

Evidently she’s very hurt for whatever reason - I’d leave her a letter letting her know how you feel and that you’ll be there when and if she’s ready…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

Have you talked to your parents about it? They may know what’s up with her. She may resent you for leaving or maybe she figures that since you’re gone, she can avoid you entirely now. Who knows? Only she does. Have you point blank told her that you want to talk to her, or have you just let her walk out the door, etc, without any effort? She may be waiting for you to stop her so she can vent/blow up/tell you what’s wrong. Again, we can’t tell you why she won’t talk to you, but if you really want her ‘back’, so to speak, then you’ve gotta put in more effort than you already are to figure out why she’s distanced herself in the first place. Best of luck.

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