Kids Questions

  1. Do you think division is too advanced for 2nd graders?
  2. Can my boyfriend be in the pool during a water birth?
  3. What To Do At Playdates?
  4. Sick baby
  5. My 4 year old wont listen!
  6. My 11 year old has a "boyfriend"
  7. Baby sore after her shots
  8. Baby Ear piercing
  9. Daughter won't eat food with chunks
  10. Picked a name... now... opinions?
  11. Would You Consider This Child Abuse?
  12. Baby name ideas?
  13. My Babies are here
  14. 13 and want to have a baby
  15. I'm having a baby boy, name suggestions?
  16. Toddler not eating
  17. Cloth Diaper Advice
  18. How to get my son to try different foods?
  19. Anyone have advice about having a baby?
  20. How to help my baby during teething?
  21. Looking after an exchange student
  22. Did you ever believe Kids stories?
  23. How to get my daughter to see ahead?
  24. Good names for my sister's baby girl?
  25. How to make my son behave all of the time?
  26. What do you think of my son?
  27. Should I go see Bigmuma?
  28. Can a 13 year old be a babysitter?
  29. Have you ever given a baby up for adoption?
  30. What cool thing to do for my son's 16th birthday?
  31. Do you think my son is cute?
  32. Is Anise Tea bad to give a 3 month old?
  33. How much spit up is too much?
  34. How do you feel about little girls being in beauty pageants?
  35. How to pottytrain a girl under 2?
  36. Is it so hard to be a teen Mom?
  37. Do I tell the school about my son being cyber-bullied?
  38. Who thinks my baby is cute?
  39. My daughter and toilet paper
  40. What are good baby names?
  41. How to tell if it's a boy or girl?
  42. Should women breastfeed in public?
  43. How to get my 4 month old on a schedule?
  44. Can my stepson move out at 13?
  45. How do I disipline 8 year old children?
  46. A hard decision on what to name my baby
  47. My one year old has a hitting problem
  48. How much should he weigh?
  49. Parenting question
  50. How do you raise a orphan kid?
  51. Lying parents
  52. Sleepover etiquette?
  53. Cheap things to do with my daughter for fun?
  54. What would you name your baby?
  55. Isn't 11 an inappropriate age to sleep with a parent?
  56. How to make my daughter see that this isn't safe?
  57. What do you think of these baby names?
  58. Am I hip or old?
  59. Do you think Angelisa Alya Marie Salazar is a pretty name?
  60. What should I get her for birthday, she's into dogs, any ideas?
  61. How to convince my twins there's no monster?
  62. How to get my son to eat vegetables?
  63. Why don't kids have rights?
  64. What's a good girl name for a baby girl with these names?
  65. Is anyone else dealing with the Terrible Twos?
  66. What activities can I do with 3 boys?
  67. Doctor giving an infant Albuteral for a cough and congestion?
  68. How to deal with being alone with 3 kids?
  69. How do you get a 21 month old to realize he's not the boss?
  70. When should babies start Oatmeal and Rice?
  71. Thumb Sucker at 9 years old
  72. Kids making fun of each other--stricter rules?
  73. How to get rid of the pacifier?
  74. Do your kids ask for spaghetti-o's with the sauce removed?
  75. How can I get my 1 year to eat more solid foods?
  76. How to shut her up?
  77. Do I tell a kid how babies are born?
  78. Best Home Remedy for children's fevers?
  79. Who else thinks kids are growing up too fast?
  80. What are good boy baby names?
  81. How do I remove cradle cap on my 2.5 year old?
  82. Will we ever be able to adopt a princess?
  83. Will my child be normal if the father is my third cousin?
  84. Is my baby's fever too high?
  85. What are good ways to potty train my son?
  86. What to do with my daughter on her birthday?
  87. Can teenagers have Shaken Baby Syndrome?
  88. Who is 16 and wants to be a parent?
  89. Why are kids so hyper?
  90. Do you like this girl's name?
  91. Why are all these kids getting pregnant?
  92. Do you think Spanking your kids is okay?
  93. What if I want to have a baby and he doesn't?
  94. How old for a child to go home for visitation?
  95. Is it legal to spank your kid with a paddle?
  96. How to bring my secret son to this country?
  97. Why am I suddenly feeling like I'm ready for a baby?
  98. What makes my six year old constantly talk back?
  99. How to help a crying baby?
  100. What are some funny things your kids have done?