What if I want to have a baby and he doesn't?

I want to have a kid but what if my man dont want to

Answer #1

Best Plan: education, ring, date, marriage, financial stability, then baby…Good luck !!

Answer #2

whatt the hell you just said why are little 14 year olds getting pregnant and your 15!!! Its stupid and retarded and grrr… nevermind just whatever!!! grr…

Answer #3

How old are you? 15? 16? Why do you want a child?

It is completely irresponsible of you to have a baby if you are under 18, still in high school, and without a full-time job (with medical and dental insurance.)

Answer #4

Then you should let him go are just forget about because having a baby is sooo over rated and I think you should go with your heart and if you want a baby just fine someone who would want a baby with you O.K so don’t stress yourself over some guy that doesn’t goes with how you feel.Just remember what ever you choose just choose the right decision ok.

Answer #5

Do you feel like you get enough attention at home? A baby will not give you what you are looking for.

Answer #6

He is probably not ready yet. But don’t force him to do it though. Just wait till your older.

Answer #7


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