Is anyone else dealing with the Terrible Twos?

IS anyone dealing with terrbile two’s? Any advice?

Answer #1

Continue to love ‘em to death anyway - none of us will be around forever - just do your best to guide them in the way/s they should go and be thankful for the blessing - even during messy and temper tantrum times, LOL…Take care !!

Answer #2

we didnt have terrible twos but I can tell you she is 13 soon and making up for it. that must be my payback lol

Answer #3

Ok, as soon as mine could walk they went in time out with their nose agains the wall. We would count to 20 and then talk about what they did wrong and then explain what they should have done and then gave them a hug and told them we loved them. I now have two great girls.

Answer #4

the best thing to is talk to them tell them what they are doing wrong sit them down, try to make them listen, talk about consiquences for there actions an divert there attendion to a toy or something to occupy them. if that doesnt seem to work alone, try after talking, time out if after all of that try a light spanking, but only after you talked to them and had to repeat the same thing over more than 2 to 3 times a day. one of these things is likely to work if not ask a doctor maybe the child a mild condition of somekind if the child continiously acts out. Also be sure to tell them you love all the time make that known to him because it may also be attention thing.

Answer #5

Well I run a daycare and on a typical day I have about 4 two-year-olds at one time. The things that we use are time-out and corner time. 2 minutes is the limit for both and then we get down to their level and explain what they did. Bobbisue I think that your problem is that your child doesn’t get that you’re the boss. You just need to keep being consistent and don’t give up. Otherwise, if they can get away with it now, think how they’ll treat you when they’re 16!

Answer #6

When they are on the floor throwing their temper tantrums just walk away and ignore him/her as if this wasn’t happening. You will see the crying and tantruming will have to come to a stop. It worked with my kids. Be consistent.

Answer #7

When I’m babysitting my cousin and she does something bad I tell her to sit on the couch. Since she’s only 2, I only make her sit there for two minutes. She cries but then when I let her go play she’s a very happy child. She usually hugs me after/. =D

So my advice, try time out. If that doesn’t work, well.. I don’t know.

Answer #8

Yes!!! My son is not quite two yet (21 months) and he is sooo in the stage!! He can be sooo cute one minute and the next, he is trying to claw your face of, pinching, biting, running around screaming and ripping things down from anything he can reach. Saying no hasn’t worked. I thought he might too young for time out and standing in the corner, but I have gotten so desperate that I’ve tried it and he thinks it is a game where I put him in a corner or sit him on a chair and he gets up as soon as I walk away and I chase him. I don’t know what else to do!!

Answer #9

my son turned two… a year ago… and is still in time out… when can I take him out hahahhahahahahaahaha

Answer #10

I understand the frustration of dealing with the terrible two’s. I have a son, 24 months and sometimes I wonder if he just plain hates me. No respect, no listening, etc. I often have to remember that he is just two and this IS in fact, normal, as abnormal and tough as it may seem to me. He is my angel but at the same time he does not act the way I expect him to act. He often throws tantrums over little things, brushing teeth is an absolute nightmare, says “NO” constantly, runs when I ask him to come…it’s tough. We will get through it. Just be strong and remember this stage does not last forever. Good luck, stay sane, get a sitter on occasion and treat yourself for being the Mom you are.

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