Can my boyfriend be in the pool during a water birth?

im a mummy to be im 8 months gone and having a water birth my boyfriend mark wants to be in the pool with me is it allowed ? please help

Answer #1

well your usually in a small tub or something so I dont think he wud fit lol but thats sweet Why cant he just sit next to you?

Answer #2

yes I was watching house of babies on the discovery channel and he can sit right behind you for comfort and support or he can sit on the edge of the tub…or you can just buty one of those cheap kiddy pools so the both of you can fit

Answer #3

when you have a water birth your usually in a a small jacuzzi bath and only you would fit. and plus you’ll bleed. wouldnt that make him feel odd.? hmm maybe he can just sit next to you and hold your bath till the baby comes out.

Answer #4

yeah it’s fine. but if I were you, I would have the baby in the hospital. if you do it in a jacuzzi the water will be too hot for the little baby. but if you insists on sitting next to you its fine.

Answer #5

yes, its perfectly fine if he wants to. well, it kinda depends on where you guys are and how big the pool is. some places are rilly strict, but I know a lot of people who had water births and their husbands were in the pool/tub with them.

Answer #6

are you an md or phd?

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