Politics & Law Questions

  1. what do freedom fighters fight?
  2. Distributive Justice
  3. Anxiety and military question.
  4. freedom: An American thing?
  5. who thinks the battle of iraq should stop
  6. President and monarchy
  7. Why does journalism always forget to ask for the proof?
  8. Any objection to the government coming into your home to control yo
  9. what is socialism
  10. hate on Obama
  11. Do you think the city really have a deficit?
  12. Opinion of Americans from a Foriegner?
  13. Give Your Opinion About England ...
  14. Which concept grows wealth ?
  15. What was important to David Crockett?
  16. Will the dollar be replaced?
  17. does anyone believe the story of Atlantis??
  18. Lincoln and Obama
  19. Geography Homework
  20. What would you call it ?
  21. Welfare research
  22. Legal Question
  23. Where does tony blair live now?
  24. Anyone here know a reason ?
  25. Gordon Brown
  26. what change?
  27. what is your opinion about PETA?
  28. Is prank calling a crime?
  29. Obama Deception
  30. Does obama have a big mouth?
  31. To Build a Fire questions
  32. My Bondage and my Freedom Questions
  33. Are you concerned ?
  34. lost city of Atlantis
  35. Question on Obama.
  36. Oldest capital?
  37. Should the administration approve more bonuses ?
  38. Do you think the next huge trumped crisis will be 'Inflation, Infla
  39. Good policy or Bad policy ?
  40. Does this make sense to you ?
  41. Meet a President?
  42. Should these people be forced ?
  43. Why would some of the tax-payer billions given to AIG end up going
  44. Who would benefit ?
  45. Since when is it wrong to enforce our laws on those who clearly bre
  46. Palestines!
  47. Why is he outraged when he set it up to happen ?
  48. interesting percentages off BBC
  49. Who agrees with me that abortion is wrong?
  50. American civil war!
  51. Police officers
  52. Why do you think Obama is seeking to downplay the traditionally clo
  53. Is obama nuts?
  54. If you place a cop under citizens arrest for unconstitional ...
  55. Muslims protesting at the homecoming of British troops
  56. Will President Obama allow Russian bombers to be based in our hemis
  57. What's a citizen's arrest?
  58. Is this tax disproportionate ?
  59. Are you OK with California firing 9,000 teachers?
  60. Why does China only celebrate the birth of boys?
  61. What do you think about the iraq why getting 3 years for throwing a
  62. Hhungered kenyan
  63. Which type of governemnt did the Athenians give the world?
  64. what does this saying mean.."a presidential moment.."?
  65. California's Budget Crisis
  66. how long do civil cases last?
  67. Why is our economy so bad?
  68. are there any benefits if I enroll to a political party.
  69. Renaissance?
  70. socialism is a bad thing and why.
  71. who is the chief minister of kerala
  72. jury perspective
  73. This is "Change" ?
  74. Still a good president?
  75. what are the chances of getting residence?
  76. obama ANTI-CHRIST??
  77. Obama's new plan
  78. Why not national health care?
  79. Ways to fix our economy
  80. Stimulus package
  81. People dont seem to care...
  82. Could conservatives please show a little more class?
  83. what do you think of the candidate for the republican party.
  84. What would happen if I ran away?
  85. Sagging Law?
  86. the holocaustt .
  87. Eleanor Roosevelt?
  88. When did Catharine the Great die?
  89. Law and Motorbikes
  90. George washington
  91. Why 44 house republicans want to eliminate income taxes?
  92. Is a private enterprise recovery being ignored ?
  93. Is it possible the dream of top-tier success will disappear ?
  94. Do you think obama will serve our country right?
  95. Will OBAMA do our country good???
  96. ya what happened to the palestinian,s right
  97. Raising taxes
  98. Lost City of Atlantis - Do You Believe?
  99. What is NWO ?
  100. Obama's stimulus bill?