Why not national health care?

It seems to me, if we can come up with untold trillions to bail out billionaires, and our taxes are about as high as anywhere else, why can we not afford a real natioal health care system?

I guess I’ve given up hope in the idea of limited government. While were nationalizing the banking system, let’s make sure us common folk get something out of it too.

Answer #1

Every chance I get I ask Canadians about their health care system and the Canadians I ask are happy with it. Sure I hear of problems but not of the scale that I hear of in America. Best I can tell the horror stories about Canadian health care only exist in the mind of American Republicans.

Answer #2

Look up national health care in other countries, people die durring simple procedures because the hostiptals cant afford to have back up pumps in their hospital. This system causes a lot of things that are standard in todays hopsitals to be taken out because they cost too much money. Here is the difference: Right now hospitals can NOT turn away anyone who is in need of medical attention which is why health cost are so high because sometimes they dont pay. Nationalized health care, government would force the hospitals to turn away people who are not worth as much money to the government.

Answer #3

Do you really want the government telling you what medical procedures IT thinks you should be allowed to have or which doctors you must use?

I don’t want the government meddling with my choices.

If I’m poor and in need of emergency medical attention, then is when the government may step in.

The government shouldn’t be meddling in the banking system, etc. It should allow the free economy to regulate its own successes and failures.

Do you really want womb to tomb government intervention and control of your life?

    I hope you do not take offense,
    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #4

Have any of the naysayers actually experienced health care in Canada, the UK, or Australia? It is not the hell hole the Republican spin meisters peddle.

Answer #5

If we have bigger government then we are going to lose are freedom of choice, less government the more freedom we have…either way I believe we don’t need to be told what to do we need to make our own decisions. =)

Answer #6

Catastrophic medical costs are the single biggest cause of bankruptcies in the US. With our current system the government pays for your care once you have no money so having serious injury or dissease will generally drain all of your money taking you back to square one. Insurance companies being profit driven want to only insure people they are pretty sure they will make a profit on so more and more people are left on their own. Amiericans spend more per capita than other nations with socialzed medicine yet we have worse health and less access to health care than most of them. Our current system is badly broken.

30 years I spent many hours in libraries researching health policy for high school debate. Even though I was a conservative Republican at the time it was obvious to me back then that socialized medicine was necessary to address our health care and our problems have only gotten worse since.

Currently insurance and pharmaceutical companies are making a killing here and have a strong lobby. It would take a large change in national priorities for our government to change from favoring corporations to favoring people.

Answer #7

In Britain, the National Health Service is one of the best things. Treatment is not compromised by how much money a person does or doesn’t have, and people don’t die in simple procedures because of no “back up pumps”. Our hospitals have very high standards and our doctors have the same training as in America.

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