Art, Writing & Literature Questions

  1. ( another freestyle) take the world
  2. feeling of suspense experienced by the audience in romeo and juliet
  3. Best way to write an article?
  4. Favorite qoute? Favorite saying? or even Favorite Joke?
  5. Poet- I Will Smile.
  6. The end is just beginning
  7. no end (edited)
  8. Band Names (cont)
  9. There is no end (new song)
  10. Another poem about a real event
  11. Secret forms of handwriting...
  12. what do you think of this poem? (new one)
  13. poem 2 of my life
  14. poem of my life
  15. what do you think about my poem?
  16. I wrote a poem...what do you think?
  17. Ever read 'The Shadowcreek Chronicles'?
  18. Why is it the only hardcover in the series?
  19. New poem, tell me your thoughts...
  20. Has anyon read the Perks of Being a Wallflower
  21. Who can read Hebrew?
  22. Yet another poem...:]]
  23. Again..Tell me what you think:]]
  24. A song I wrote for someone I loved~ Updated.
  25. I need ideas for creative writing assignments
  26. Italian sentence! Please translate in English?
  27. Also for Twilight lovers...
  28. guys? do you like twilight?
  29. What Should I Do Now With My Stock Portfolio?
  30. Read these quotes... Which you like best?
  31. does this poem sound good
  32. I can't think of a name for my main character!
  33. two of my short poems let me know what you think please
  34. how's my poem?
  35. does anyone know this quote?
  36. lyric poem...
  37. Metaphor for Life
  38. Can someone reccomend good ghost or scary stories?
  39. any good bookz?
  40. Can Someone Write me a Short Essay? Shakespeare
  41. Article for school
  42. Born Red
  43. How can I become an author???
  44. What could I use as a Thematic statement?
  45. Where can I read the book "Life as we Knew it"?
  46. Very new song
  47. Eclipse
  48. Need a way to break the curse
  49. great authors teen drama or suspence?
  50. Any goos vampire/ romance novels out there apart from twilight?
  51. Is this Good?
  52. Can someone give me a copy of 'Midnight sun'?
  53. When did Edward propose?
  54. Which Twilight book?
  55. What is the best Edward Cullen Quote?
  56. write a interest letter if you want to join a sorority?
  57. Somewhat filled page
  58. short story the balek scales?
  59. I Need Some Help with Depth in my Story...?
  60. oh my freakin god!
  61. Could you Please Help me start off my story?
  62. Poems
  63. Lord of the Flies
  64. new poem! what do ya'll think?
  65. research articles
  66. What should I name my book?
  67. I don't know the grammar from <three days to see>
  68. Websites for poetry feedback?
  69. Names for characters in book?
  70. "means nothing in the end", Jack Kerouac, agree with this?
  71. need a good line
  72. Best songg ever :D
  73. Read books online???
  74. Publishing Company???
  75. how can I get hold of yesteday sun?
  76. website to download/read free books???
  77. Blue Bloods
  78. Finished with my poem, what do you think?:)
  79. Someone talk poetry with me! :D
  80. help, how do I tell my parents that I write poetry?
  81. memorization
  82. Tell me what you think:]
  83. William Shackespeare
  84. do you like this poem I wrote love?
  85. Novels you relate this to "two wrongs don't make a right"?
  86. I wrote a haiku
  87. is this a good poem ? =| help please.
  88. any advice on my poem I wrote?
  89. I need help on writing a poem
  90. What should I draw?
  91. what do you think of ths poem?
  92. anyone read the book forbidden city?
  93. Writing a story- please help!
  94. inkheart the book
  95. "the perks of being a wallflower" based on a true story?
  96. Your thoughts?
  97. Leave letter
  98. Plural for pegasus
  99. Dumb poem thingy...need to know if it's worth turning in?
  100. good series of book something like The Sword of truth series?