"means nothing in the end", Jack Kerouac, agree with this?

“avoid the world, it’s just a lot of dust and drag and means nothing in the end”

                                                                                                          - Jack Kerouac

do you agree with this phrase?

Answer #1

its stupid…

its worthless, just like what its trying to say. yeah sure its a drag but it isnt all dust…theres always a jewel floating around that dust, the trick is to find it…

Answer #2

Well I totally think it’s worth it, and if you are here, then you agree, or you simply wouldn’t be. All that dust and drag and other beautiful things Kerouac didn’t mention in the quote, is what we are. Basically we are the world, everything in it and of it, is perceived by us, and the fact that some don’t think it’s worth it…well like I said before doesn’t really make sense cause there here, but however they perceive the world/themselves is their responsibility to carry, and completely their choice to respond however they choose. So what I’m trying to say is that quote reminds me that we really can choose how we see the world, and we do. I understand that choosing to see the world for it’s beauty is a great way to live, and when I don’t see beauty I work on accepting what is.

Answer #3

Yes, but not for the reasons Kerouac would have used. His was more of a bohemian slant along the lines of “What’s all the fuss about? Everyone scrambles around making themselves miserable, and in the end, it’s pointless.” It’s all very Buddhist, but if you go completely out of circulation and take yourself off the grid, you miss out on a lot of great Thai food.

I avoid the world because most people are goddamned morons and irritate the hell out of me. So I bought myself a giant TV and an Xbox Live subscription.

Answer #4

no I don’t agree with it becasue there is a lot of meanon in this world to. Its just a matter of knowing how to live it. If you look to glass half empty maybe it’ll be impossible for it to ever get full. Look more to the ups of this world then the downs is what I think. It’s like asking if you agree that the world is a whaist of time but it’s not if you know it to make that time worth while

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