Parents & Family Questions

  1. Can my mum have my baby son taken from me if I've done nothing wrong?
  2. How do I stop myself from feeling so jealous of the love my sister gets?
  3. Is it selfish for a girl to be upset when her boyfriend chooses his mother over her every time she calls?
  4. What should I do if my mom constantly hits me?
  5. What are some cute, inexpensive things I could get my mom for Mother's Day?
  6. How do I get my mom to get a snake?
  7. Does anyone find it as weird as I do that there are adults and teenagers who use pacifiers?
  8. How could I ask nicely to go to my friend's house?
  9. How did you tell your mum your lost your virginity?
  10. How do I tell my mom I think I just had my first period?
  11. What are some things you could do to help yourself deal with being the "Black Sheep" of the family?
  12. How does my mom not suspect me and my boyfriend of one year not to be doing anything?
  13. Is It wierd that im grieving over 2 people who weren't born, but died before?
  14. What can I do to stop my brother's girlfriend from being jealous of me?
  15. How do I solve all the issues I have at home?
  16. How would the niece of my grandfather's cousin be related to me?
  17. How do I get started in pageants and get my parents on-board?
  18. How do I get my brother to stop trying to kill me?
  19. Do the parents have rights to request a screening hearing from the school for their child?
  20. How long after dating a guy do you get his mom something for Mother's Day?
  21. Is it possible that I can stay in Washington when my mother moves to Louisiana?
  22. What does "emancipate" mean?
  23. How would I go about getting emancipated from my mother when living in the state of Washington?
  24. Does anything your parents say really matter?
  25. How can i make my mom believe me?
  26. Why do I have small hands and feet but the rest of my family has big hands and feet?
  27. Should my parents get hearing aids?
  28. How can I get away from my crazy dad?
  29. What are your parent's occupations?
  30. Who thinks the show Super Nanny is educational for parents?
  31. How can I convince my parents that my boyfriend isn't going to physically hurt me?
  32. What would you do, or how would you deal with knowing your parents are blood related?
  33. How can I tell my parents that I have a boyfriend that is 3 years older than I am and he got a girl pregnant?
  34. Why don't my parents care about my grades?
  35. Is it Mother's Day tomorrow or did it already pass?
  36. What is the difference between 1st, 2nd, or 3rd cousins and cousins once, twice removed?
  37. Would you ever choose the love of your life over your family?
  38. What can I say to my mother for crashing my date?
  39. Would you allow your son to have his girlfriend sleep over at his college dorm?
  40. Why do the people I'm supposed to care about the most annoy me so much and I just want them out of my life?
  41. What should a mother tell her child when she/he asks about the father if he isn't in her life? 
  42. How do you tell an 11 year old what girl an erection is?
  43. What ways are there of getting rid of hatred for a family member that has passed away?
  44. Is there any way to bring a family member from Ethiopia?
  45. Why do parents always want to know how you feel?
  46. How do I tell my mom that I don't want her to date the friend of my father who passed away?
  47. How can I tell my mom I hate my stepdad?
  48. When you were (or if you are) going through puberty, did you go to your mom OR your dad for questions and help?
  49. Why do I get so irritated around my parents?
  50. How can I stop feeling such remorse for the things that I told people about my dad or said to myself about my dad when I was mad at him?
  51. Is it possible for me to get emancipated if I'm getting mentally abused from my mom ?
  52. Would you kick your cousin out because your boyfriend thinks there's something going on?
  53. What are the proper ways of sharing family responsibilities?
  54. How to get my mom and dad to take my career seriously ?
  55. How do you find out who your ancestors are?
  56. How do you give your older children advice, without them getting mad at you?
  57. What do you think about parents spending 10k+ on their child's birthday party?
  58. Why can't I get up the guts to tell my mom I'm Wiccan?
  59. What is the purpose of our parents making us believe in people and things that don't exist?
  60. What are your thoughts on parents who medicate their children with adderall, stratera, and ritalin?
  61. Why do I hate my Mom's boyfriend so much?
  62. How can I get my dad to let me borrow money for a book fair?
  63. Do you feel the joys of parenting are overrated?
  64. Can a parent/guardian have the right to ask the phone company for all the text messages the child has been sending to his/her friends?
  65. How do I tell my Foster parents that I think I'm pregnant?
  66. How can I get my father's attention?
  67. Why do my parents try to isolate me from friends and a social life?
  68. How to keep peace with my mother?
  69. How can my dad dare try and be a father figure to me?
  70. When is a boy too old to be in a bath tub with his mother?
  71. Why don't my parents allow me to have sleepovers?
  72. What are some things I can suggest to my friend who is trying to come out of the closet with her children?
  73. How much does the government pay to foster a child each week?
  74. Is there a "legal" way of getting rid of step parents?
  75. How can I get my mom to work out with me and lose weight?
  76. Do kids tend to stress more then adults?
  77. Why is it that in Chinese culture, or other Asian culture, kids, or young adults have to call people older than them ex: friend's parents, auntie or uncle?
  78. What can I tell my 16 year old cousin who just told me my aunt and uncle are getting a divorce?
  79. Is it healthy for my cousin's father to yell at her every day, or is it because her mother just died and the stress is tough?
  80. What can I do to find out who I am related to and where I came from?
  81. What are the negative sides of having relatives in your house with your children around?
  82. How do you wake someone up who absolutely refuses to get out of bed but has to?
  83. How do I convince my parents into letting me have a bunch of friends over to go to the board walk (read)?
  84. How do I deal with an invasive sibling?
  85. How do I handle my rocky relationship with my sister and her problems with my fiance?
  86. How can I ask my cousin if she is gay without offending her?
  87. How do I ask my dad to get me some condoms?
  88. How to find your biological parents that you have never met since birth?
  89. How can I reduce the tension and stress in our household?
  90. What do parents mean by "talk about life in general"?
  91. Could I really just not go back to my perents ever again?
  92. Is it possible to be cousin of somebody even if we don't have the same last names?
  93. How do I stop myself getting really upset and angry when my sister calls me horrible names?
  94. What ages is spanking appropriate, youngest and oldest (meaning parents spanking their children as punishment)?
  95. Can a parent help to control and discipline a child even if they live in separate homes?
  96. How would you feel if your child was being suspended for the first (AND ONLY TIME) from school?
  97. What makes parents not treat each one of their children the same?
  98. Is it bad that I never tell my stepdad that I love him?
  99. How can I tell my parents I don't want to study computers?
  100. What are some fun things to do for family night?
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