Parents & Family Questions

  1. How to get your parents to loosen up a lot?
  2. I hate my life!
  3. My brothers are mad at each other what to do?
  4. Can my parents force me to the hospital?
  5. Mum wont let me paint my ceiling black
  6. How to tell mom I dont believe in god?
  7. People do you think...?
  8. People in gangs
  9. I don't understand
  10. Guilty Feeling
  11. How do I help my friend if he passes out/faints from smoking weed?
  12. Internet after midnight
  13. Parents
  14. I think my my parents hate me
  15. Who would you pick, friend or family?
  16. Who would you choose?
  17. I got caught drinking a bottle of vodka and wine.
  18. How to get parents off my back?
  19. Nobody knows how I really feel about anything... what should I do?
  20. My parents are getting a divorce again
  21. My mom is far from open minded!
  22. How do have a good relationship with my mother?
  23. My mom is controlling
  24. What is the general opinion of stay at home Dads?
  25. My Dad hit me
  26. Want to live with my Dad but don't want to hurt my Mom
  27. What should I do with my sister-in-law??
  28. Is this abuse or is it not that bad?
  29. Parents && Friends
  30. Did the judge overstep her bounds ?
  31. Which is more cruel ?
  32. Pregnant and needing help
  33. Brother with Cerebral Palsy
  34. Do you think this is true?
  35. Scared of my parents
  36. Baby circumcision
  37. What do you class as being a good mum?
  38. Is it normal to want to die after this has happened?
  39. How old do you have to be to move out of your parents house?
  40. Is this fair?
  41. Pregnant and needing help with telling my Mom
  42. Help me to convince my mom to unground me
  43. How to make my parents less strict?
  44. Is it normal to hate my mum after all this has happened?
  45. Best way to lose 35 pounds?
  46. Mean steppmom
  47. How to get her to back off?
  48. Asking Mom or Dad to go back to gymnastics?
  49. Family in law problem
  50. Who has a baby and is under 16?
  51. How Do I ask my Mom to buy pantyliners?
  52. Pregnant at 14 and my Mom is strict and religious
  53. Should moms go through your personal stuff?
  54. I want to run away
  55. How can I convince my dad for a tragus ring?
  56. Convincing my mom
  57. Life Help
  58. Sister=Crazy?
  59. Guys, I can't handle my brothers
  60. Favouritism
  61. Sibling Violence
  62. I really don't get along with my sister
  63. How to get your parents to back off
  64. Moving out once I turn 16?
  65. Depressed about fighting with my Mom
  66. Violent sister
  67. Useless relatives
  68. Mother taking money from me and not returning it.
  69. Searching for birthparents
  70. Should I go to Prom behind my Dad's back?
  71. Leave home at 17 in Britain?
  72. How to tell my Mom I have a boyfriend?
  73. Is my mom going to hate me?
  74. Can you help me find members of my family?
  75. I can't believe that my brother's way will change to me
  76. Parents won't let me go on youtube, but I am, should I tell them?
  77. What the hell do I do!!
  78. Should I tell my mom
  79. Im 13, im pregnant, and my family is upset with me, what do I do?
  80. Mom vs. Me
  81. Emancipation
  82. How do I tell this to my parents?
  83. I love my second cousin
  84. Should I tell my Mom that my Dad is having an affair?
  85. Should I buy my stepdaughter clothes?
  86. Is it normal for my kids to fight all the time?
  87. My mom isnt speaking to me
  88. Should I tell our Dad my sister is pregnant?
  89. Parental Trust
  90. In love with someone my parents don't think I should date
  91. I'm pregnant and they are shouting at me
  92. Family-in-law crisis
  93. Tried hard to come out of lying
  94. Am I too young to have kids at 19 years old?
  95. I'm 18 & pregnant I told my parents but..
  96. Well I always give attitude to my family how do I stop?
  97. Moving Away from parents
  98. How do I tell my parents I was raped?
  99. Aunt Problems
  100. 17, maybe pregnant how do I tell the father and my parents?