Should moms go through your personal stuff?

My mom went through my personal stuff today without telling me… She called and was all concerned about me cutting again… Which I am but she didnt have to go through my stuff what do you think?

Answer #1

I do believe your mom had a good reason to go through you things. My mom used to go through my things sometimes too and I got upset. but its not like I could tell her to sto. I mean, I’m 16 yo.

Answer #2

I was about to say not unless she had a good reason… I’d saying you cutting again is a pretty good reason… have you lied to her in the past? it could be the reason she feels the need to go through your stuff. You have to understand, she is absolutely terrified of losing you… When I use a bandage now my mother asks why (and the way she knows is by looking in my garbage…) lol, so yeah, they do worry a lot…

Answer #3

Its not okay for her to go through your stuff without a reason - but she had a reason. She’s being a concerned parent, it means she cares about you.

Answer #4

If a mother is concerned yooh are suicidal or cutting or planning to do something that will indanger yooh they will look through yoor belongings its natural.

Answer #5

No I dont think its right that she went through your things. but I think her only reason for that was because she is worried about you.

Answer #6

Hmm…well just understand this, she really loves you and she doesn’t want you to deal with your pain by cutting. I know I would be kinda annoyed if my mom went through my stuff, but you’re lucky that your mom cares! Now maybe you can get the help you deserve.

Answer #7

well if she cared about you enuff she wud notice if you were cutting urself. but I wud get rillly pised if my parents went thru my personal stuff. thats urs and nobody shud be able 2 get into it. she cud find out a diff way but going thru your stuff is crossing the line

Answer #8

she had a reason you are emo and she doesnt want to lose you so stop hurting urself and she’ll have no reason to go thru your stuff

Answer #9

you’re not emo, thats a silly way of calling a self destructive person something.

well, I think its absolutely annoying and not very right for parents to go through your stuff. However, your mother seems concerned about you and was making sure your alright. They shouldn’t be doing that, but I can understand both sides. It’s frustrating doing that, my mothers done it too out of concern. Just talk with her about it, I hope she understands your side too. good luck:)

Answer #10

for a parent to go through your stuff is kind of poor parenting…but it’s certainly within their rights as parents. you do realize that if you weren’t cutting, she wouldn’t have gone through your stuff, right? she only did it because she was worried about you. stop giving her reasons to go through your stuff, and she’ll stop digging. not that she shouldn’t still be able to, but I doubt that she will. stop cutting, too. it really doesn’t solve too many problems, from what I can tell. (shoot, it’s what CAUSED yours.) live the dream.

Answer #11

yes because you live under her roof. She’s like your landlord and she hasn’t every right.

Answer #12

I say its totally unfair because I get really mad when my mom does that

Tiana {add me}

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