My brothers are mad at each other what to do?

I have 4 older brothers I am the only girl in my famlily and I am the youngest and for like the pas couple of days all they have been doing is hurting each other and not talking to each other and they never do this!!! They are litterally making each other bleed. They are all against each other. Is this normal for boys to do this? Should I do something, I am just scared they’ll hurt me =/! What do I do???

Answer #1

they are your brothers, they should not hurt you because you are sister of them and especially you are a girl… if your brothers is in adolescence state, it is normal for the boys, but I assure you they love each other, … where are your parents?… they are the one who is responsible for your brothers, not you.. but I know that they are your brothers so you must have concern for them…

Answer #2

Don’t worry I don’t think they’ll hurt you lol

but I do this with my cousins all the time…but since this is not ordinary behaviour fo them, you should ask whats up with them

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