How to get her to back off?

Omgg I cant deal with my mum anymore, I get in the car because I was at my friends house and I try to move the chair back and it doesn’t work so of course its my fault because everything is, anyway im already in a bad mood, its just one of them days and we get home and she says to me have you had a fight with daniel(my boyfriend) because I know she doesn’t like him and it does my head in and I shouted at her to go away because she was annoying me, I just don’t understand why she doesn’t like him well the first time we went out he dumped me and I was dead upset so I can understand her not loving him but its my life, how can I get her to leave me alone and like daniel? Thanks:)

Answer #1

Breathe… You really need to learn a technique I’m still working on, in through one ear, out the other… Mother’s like to nitpick and nag. Dont know why. And we all swear we wont turn out like them (but I’ll bet a lot they said the same thing when they were our age). She is concerned about you. As a person who cant stand a lot of my friend’s boyfriends because they’ve been hurt in the past, I dont think there’s much you can say or do to make her like him. But you can ask her to respect your decision, you are dating him and you do not want to hear anything negative. Also, you could explain how he has changed and is trying. Bring up nice things he does or says. Ignore her if she’s being skeptical or negative. Just bring things up once in a while as part of casual conversation. Remember, she really is just trying to protect you - mothers dont like seeing their kids in pain…

Answer #2

Well, she is your mom and basically I think she will NEVER leave you alone. It sounds like maybe she doesn’t like Daniel because he broke your heart once before and she doesn’t want to see you like that again.

Try telling her that you are ready to give this relationship a 2nd chance and that if he breaks your heart again “oh well” that is life you will learn to move on. But right now being with Daniel makes you happy!

Yes it is your life and your choice … but don’t be too hard on your mom for trying to help you avoid something that may make you suffer! My dad was the same way so I understand you… but now that I am older and I am helping to raise my nephews … I understand a parents point of view also!

calm down and take it easy girl! Everything will be all right!

take care

Answer #3

I go through this everyday. she’s just trying to protect you because he has broken up with you before and doesn’t want to see you get hurt again. I would start bringing him around her more and show her that he has changed and isn’t going to break up with you again. Gradually over time she will realize that he is trying. I broke up with my boyfriend and we started talking again and I went to his house and tried talking to his mom telling her that I’m trying and I would never do that again. You can try and have him talk to her and tell her he changed.

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