How to tell my Mom I have a boyfriend?

Hey im 14 years Old and im about to turn 15 in November. I have a boyfriend and I was wondering how I should tell my mom I have one. I know how she is and I know she doesnt let me until im like about 16. How is a way I can convince her? How do I tell her?

Answer #1

To be on the safe side, tell your mom so that you can get it off your chest. Of course catch her when she’s in a really good mood. Don’t ever be afraid to tell your mom these things for I know she’s probably very understanding. She needs to see that your getting older and, that you need to spread your wings as they say. Good luck I hope you take all advice on here.

Answer #2

u gotta sit down and talk to her and definitely do not hide it from her thats the worst and she would want to know

Answer #3

Just tell her..if she sees you are mature enough to sit down and have a talk with her about it..she might decide you are mature enough to have a boyfriend. Hiding it will only make things worse when she finds out.

Answer #4

You should just tell your mo. Because if she find out on her own she will not trust you anymore. So just sit down and have a nice chat with her when she is in a good mood :]

Answer #5

try bringing him home and introduce him as just friends. your mom will soon get used to seeing him and when she starts to like him you can then tell her. however, this might take some time.

good luck =]

Answer #6

Maybe you can have a sit-down with yur mom and let her know that you have strong feeling for this guy. Then maybe she will bwgin to understand that your human. She knows that she doesnt want you to have a boyfriend but she might be willing to compromise with your feelings. Then you can gradually start to bring him around and then ust let your mom know that he’s not bad person. Then she might not have a problem with it from then on.

But it’s more of a protecton thing your mom it about to start relizing that you are begining to grow up and she is going to have to begin to put trust in you sooner or later.

Answer #7

when she is happy and in a good mood just tell her that what I did because I had the same problem

Answer #8

Just do it! There is no easy or magic way. You just tell her and, Yes, when she’s in a good mood, of course.

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