Am I too young to have kids at 19 years old?

I’ve grown up with a lot of infant nephews and neices so I’ve always been good with children, I guess its from babysitting all the time and stuff, anyway everyone always tells me I’m going to be a good dad, I’m 19 so am I too young to start thinkin about hvin kids?? Everyone tellin me I’d b a good dad and how much my younger nieces and nephews look up to me has really made me want kids

Answer #1

The question is “are you ready to have kids?” If you want to go to college, get a good job etc, then I advise you not but if you really want it then go right ahead just remember a child is a big responsiblity.

Answer #2

You’re not too young, but think carefully about it and make sure that’s really what you want. Once you have a child, it’s a lifelong commitment and you can’t change your mind.

If you wait a while, you have something to look forward to.

Answer #3

I think you should wait - actually having kids is so much more then babysitting type stuff. Focus on your career right now and wait a while, its worth it. Nobody can really know if you’d be a good dad or not until you actually are one - theres no way of knowing if someone is going to be a good parent or not.

Answer #4

if you feel finacially and emotionally ready yer

Answer #5

yeah. you’re definitely too young. wait.

Answer #6

Flossheal has got it right on the button there, and that’s exactly what I want to do!

Sure, kids are fantastic. I work with them on a daily basis. And as much as I love them, I know that this is the time in my life I need to take for myself. At 19, you really haven’t done enough with your life yet. Hey, I’m 22, and I still have big plans before babies come along. I don’t want to start a family, and regret all the missed opportunities.

Take time to do all those things you want to do before you decide to bring children into the world- it’s very hard to do these things with a baby on your hip.

Answer #7

I’m sure you have the potential to be a good dad, but I agree that you’re best off waiting. A good dad is also a good partner to the kid’s mother - are you ready to ‘settle down’ for the rest of your life just yet? I certainly wasn’t at 19. My husband and I got married when he was 22 and I was 21, but we had 7 great years together before we had our first son - that was a deliberate choice, because we wanted to enjoy our freedom as a couple before making the kind of committments our children needed. Once they came, we had very little time to ourselves and no more nights out, but we didn’t mind much because we knew we’d had years doing all that, and were now ready for a different stage in our relationship.

Answer #8

Honestly I dont think you are to young. You sound like you are very good with kids, but one thing you need to think about that is very important is how to support the little one and make sure the kid(s) have a good life. You also have to think about weither or not you are willing to give up your younger years, which means partying and going out if you do that sorta thing. If you can do all that, than I think you’d be fine to have a baby at 19(:

Answer #9

If you’re mature, married, fnancially stable, responsible, Sure !!

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