Is this abuse or is it not that bad?

Im 13 Well for a long time My mom was in many abusive realstionships She actually lives with an ex of hers that absed her bad And a curant boyfriend that abused her and sometimes still does She lives with both of them Anyways they dont hit my mom rarley at all But they hit meand my brothers and sisters Like my mom has a lot of anger She hits us with the belt And bobby will hit us so hard it gives us welts Its like a really hard spancin And he grabbed my arm so hard it left marks He shakes me a lot to When my mom gets really mad at us she calls us cus words And almost every night and day she gets into fights with her boyfriend Bad ones sometimes worse than others Shes always like im going to leave him I hate him But nvr does There always lovy dovy the next day Once I was depressed thinking he will nvr leave and ill have to go through this for ever Well anyways Is this normal I mean I dont get hit like everyngiht But when ever I do get hit it hurts bad And what should I think of my mom not leaving her boyfriend??? Is the situation that bad Its ben going on 4ever I guess im used to it Sry for making it such a novel :)

Answer #1

This does sound like allot of abuse especially to your mother and it sounds like allot of child abuse too. If this keeps up then someone needs to call social services if your mother or her boyfriend hit you or your other siblings again. I think that your mother should leave her boyfriend if she says that she wants to leave him. It also sounds like that she wants to leave him but, she’s afraid too for she probably might be abused more. I wish that there was another relative that you could live with since this isn’t a very safe invirement for you or your siblings to live in. I’m so sorry that your going through this. So, I would really start thinking about getting help by your mother or her boyfriend get some kind of counseling, or see if maybe another relative can take you in. Your mother needs help!! My prayers are with all of you and, I wish I could help you more. If you need to talk more about this, fun mail me and we’ll deal with this issue.

Answer #2

I agree with ty! that is abuse ! even if it doesn’t happen every night … you need to call some one on it. You are 13 you shouldn’t have to go through this


Answer #3

I agree with ty! that is abuse ! even if it doesn’t happen every night … you need to call some one on it. You are 13 you shouldn’t have to go through this


Answer #4

It is horrible that you have to convince yourself is normal. It is abuse. I would set up a hidden video camera and take the evidence to the police.

Answer #5

It is abuse. There are lots of people that can help you, but it will take quite a lot of courage. ring childline on: 0800 11 11. they offer free councelling for people our age. ring the police the next time it happens. If you have a relative that you and your brothers and sisters could go and live with, ring them up and tell them what is happening. You can go on the NSPCC website and click on under 18s, there are other names of people that can help you. I wish I could help you more, if you need someone to talk to just funmail me xxx good luck xxx

Answer #6

This is abuse and it NEEDS to stop now! What I would do if I was you I would tell your mom you are going to your friends house and then go to the police station and tell them everything that is happening!!I really think you should tell someone about this!I hope I have helped you! Funmail me anytime if you need me!Im always here to help!

Answer #7

normal!!!??? THAT IS NOT NORMAL! normal is going home and having dinner on teh table and a smiling mom and dad! this is not normal. I would call a close aunt or friend and ask to live with them,. bring your brother and sister along too. This could get very serious this is very much so abuse. dont let it continue. please call somebody and live with them or somethgn please im asking you for your sake and call the police actually. if this continues it could get so much worse!!! call the police and describe what is going on. im not kidding you need to do call somebody!!! please please please do it! I agree with everybody that answered this question so far!

Answer #8

Yes it is abuse. You could call child protective services you know? They will help you. They’ll make her boyfriends stay away from you…

What is considered child abuse and neglect?

Physical abuse is injury to a child under age 18 by a parent or caretaker, which results in bruises, welts, fractures, burns, cuts or internal injuries. Neglect is the failure of the parent or caretaker to see that the child is adequately supervised, fed, clothed, housed or provided medical care. Sexual abuse occurs when a parent or other adult uses a child under age 18 for sexual stimulation.

Try this site for your local DFCS office. Just talk to them. You dont have to tell them who you are if you dont want to. But they can help…

Answer #9

I feel so bad for you!! this is abuse, dont let your mother or her boyfriends tell you that it isnt. I would listen to wxyz and go to the NSPCC website. or go to an adult you trust and show them the marks, or welts. like a school teacher or a friends parent. even if you dont get hit every night, the kind of abuse it is is still bad. please please get help ): and if you need someone to talk to you can talk to me !

Answer #10

It is abuse.

It has to stop.


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