I want to run away

ok im a 14 year old girl and my mom is never talking to me I feel so alone all she talks to is her boyfriend every night I cry in bed I feel like I want to run away help me!

Answer #1

No whatever you do don’t run away! Running away won’t solve anything. It’s not going to take away what you feel, you might even feel worst then what you feel now. Think about it! Ask yourself “Is this really what I want to do”? You need attention, you need help! Talk 2 somebody you trust and tell them what you feel. Try talkin with your mom and tell her how you feel and what you want to do. Tell her you need love and attention. Don’t be scare or shy cause after all she’s your mother and she should be concern. Don’t run away!

Happy Birthday by the way! Best of wishes to you and hope you live up to many years more! Hope you shine and flourish like the person you are! Never give up and fight 4 what you want! Take the good with the bad and put it all apart. Smile and put your head up straigh because life isn’t always fair and nobody said it would ever be fair. Live up to the good things and get the bad ones out of your way.


Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Welcome to Fun Advice and Happy Birthday!

Running away won’t solve any problems. Actually, it would generate more problems for you and could ruin the rest of your life.

You need to find a way to open communications with your mother. Tell her that you are growing up and need the opportunity to talk to her at various times.

You are at an age where hormones, emotions and even your brain are undergoing strong changes. It is natural to occasionally feel confused or depressed.

The best thing you can do is to talk to a counselor or therapist. Barring that, find someone you can communicate your emotions and thoughts with, sort of like a sounding board. Keeping your thoughts to yourself doesn’t help. If you can’t find someone around you then consider Fun Mailing someone on Fun Advice.

Check out the link below for information on teen depression.

Information on teen depression:


   If you are having problems or are depressed, below are a couple of sites that may help you:


Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.


Answer #3

go to your mom and show your frustration nicly bring it up if she backfires with like”hes not bad”or”I do talk to you” tell with sadness how you feel lonley but if she doesn’t listen you should show the anger that he causes between you 2

good luck

Answer #4

Don’t run away I feel lost too but you have freinds right? and something will happen soon that will change the way you feel maybe you need to make it happen yourself I somewhat did so try waiting or just talk to your mom just start up a conversation and keep it going act causuall :)

Answer #5

Girl, I’d give anything for my parents to actually say “go, get out” but since youre underage you can go to juvenile. believe me it’s not a fun place!

Answer #6

dont run away… if you do, were will you go? how will you pay for stuff? what will you eat? were will you sleep? were will you go to the bathroom? Who will protect u? believe me I’ve thought of running away..actually I was going to do it…but I didnt…because those questions went thru my head…hope I helped..

-Tiana {add mee}

Answer #7

dont run away because you can actually go to juvie for that.

Answer #8

charges pressed against you? :S I think you need somebody to talk to, have you got anyone you could?x

Answer #9

I know how you feel, but just don’t run away, You’ll have charges pressed against you

Answer #10

confront her whether she likes it or not! say that you insist on talking to her and tell her what’s going on and how you feel

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