Which is more cruel ?

Justice Kennedy and four others on the Supreme Court overturn the death sentence for Louisiana child rapists. Kennedy wrote that it’s “disproportionate” punishment, and cruel and unusual. What is crueler: the violent rape of a young girl, or death by lethal injection while you’re sedated?

Answer #1

I think that raping children especially women is cruel. I believe that the death penalty is great to a point but, the rapest is mentally challenged and needs help. They are sick in the head, need to spend time in jail, or if it was seriously something they’ve done, then the death penalty should be put in place. Those people who rape children especially girls and women, if they need to be put to death, then that’s probably fine as long as they know what they’ve put themselves through. But, I don’t think that they should be put to death since they’re going to die in prison anyway. But, if Louseana wants to do the death penalty, then that’s their decision.

Answer #2

Rape of young girls most definitley!!! I don’t care if people say death by lethal injection is is cruel and unusual. The person that commited that rape is cruel, sick, disturbed and unusual!!! I believe that person should die! Take a young little girls innocence away from her ruins that poor baby in every way! Watch the movie, “a time to kill.” You’ll appreciate it.

Answer #3

One opinion that was quoted suggested that…

In addition, by in effect making the punishment for child rape and murder equivalent, a State that punishes child rape by death may remove a strong incentive for the rapist not to kill the victim. Assuming the offender behaves in a rational way, as one must to justify the penalty on grounds of deterrence, the penalty in some respects gives less protection, not more, to the victim, who is often the sole witness to the crime. See Rayburn, Better Dead Than R(ap)ed?: The Patriarchal Rhetoric Driving Capital Rape Statutes, 78 St. John’s L. Rev. 1119, 1159–1160 (2004).

In a nutshell…if you make both murder and rape equal to enforce the death penalty, you are placing the rape victim in more danger. The rapist would be more likely to kill because there would be no difference under the law.

Answer #4

I think the “just” sentence should be life in prison.

I agree with amoeba that making it a capital crime only increases the risk to the victim.

Answer #5

The violent rape of young girls is far more horrible, I believe in the death sentence to some extent. but I think these cruel rapists should be put in jail for life, because the death sentence is the easy way out in my opinion. buttt if they go to jail for like then the chances are they’ll get there asses kicked or even killed because even people in jail have morals. and anything having to do with hurting children or women is considered the scummiest of all things.

Answer #6

omg 2 things your pic looks exactly like my dog and 2 that is they should kill those b that do that

Answer #7

“In a nutshell…if you make both murder and rape equal to enforce the death penalty, you are placing the rape victim in more danger. The rapist would be more likely to kill because there would be no difference under the law. “

Excellent point…amoeba…


Answer #8

Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal yesterday signed the “Sex Offender Chemical Castration Bill” hours after the Supreme Court overturned that state’s law allowing capital punishment for child rapists. It “provides that on a first conviction of aggravated rape, forcible rape, second degree sexual battery, aggravated incest, molestation of a juvenile when the victim is under the age of 13, or an aggravated crime against nature, the court may sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. On a second conviction of the above listed crimes, the court is required to sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration.”

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