Parents & Family Questions

  1. How can I get my parents to buy me an iPod nano, 5th generation?
  2. Can I move out at 17?
  3. Should I get a flat or not?
  4. How can I convince my sister that emo isn't disgusting?
  5. How can I convice my parents to let me go out with friends?
  6. Should I Run Away from Home?
  7. What to do to get attencion at my age?
  8. What is a good excuse for when I come home late?
  9. Is it possible to put yourself up for adoption?
  10. How do I move out of the country without my parents permission?
  11. How can I stop my dad watching football?
  12. What should I do if my mom finds out that I smoke?
  13. What do I do if my boyfriend me and my baby get kicked out?
  14. What is a suitable bedtime for a 15 year old?
  15. what can I make for my mum that's origanal?
  16. what do I need when I run away?
  17. How can a dad get away from stalker mom for good?
  18. where can I find a DSS agency that will help find...?
  19. When am I allowed to leave?
  20. How can I tell my mom that I'm depressed?
  21. What should I do about my dad?
  22. What do I do my mom hate's me?
  23. What to do about my mothers way of speaking to me?
  24. How can a father give up his rights with out paying child support?
  25. What do I do when my sisters boyfriend is a jerk?
  26. Why are parents becoming lazy with their kids?
  27. What can I do to make my girlfriends mom not hate me anymore?
  28. How do I deall with my mom?
  29. Should I confront my sister about having s*x?
  30. What should I do if I care about my mom's x-boyfriend a lot?
  31. how can I hide such a big problem if I dont have someone to express?
  32. What: Madre trouble?
  33. how can I find my brother when no one knows him?
  34. Who do you tell you dont like moms boyfriend?
  35. How do I overcome this dislike I have for my boyfriends father?
  36. What to do when you feel neglected?
  37. How do I tell my mom shes hurting me?
  38. What do I do if my parent is negligent towards my little sister?
  39. How do I make my parents change their minds?
  40. How do I know if my sister is lieing to me?
  41. Where should I go if I leave home at 17?
  42. How can I tell my parents I could be pregnant by a guy they hate?
  43. Why do I get treated like this by my family?
  44. Why are me and my mom always arguing?
  45. How can I convince my parents to buy me a phone?
  46. How to wait for your parents to wake up on easter?
  47. How can I say sorry to my parents?
  48. Why are my emotions so mixed up?
  49. what should I do to help my retarded sister?
  50. How do I convince my sister to use her camera?
  51. what can I do to make my son not afraind of the vacum ?
  52. What should I call my sister-in-law's brothers?
  53. how do I tell my teacher that im being abused?
  54. how can I persuade my mum I need a bra?
  55. What do I do about my family's racial issues?
  56. how to/should I contact my dad?
  57. How can I tell my strict parents I want a tongue piercing?
  58. Why do teens run away?
  59. How to ask my dad to have a baby girl?
  60. What should I say to my boyfriend and parents about being pregnant?
  61. How to deal with cold and selfish family members?
  62. How to get out of big trouble?
  63. What is the defenition of responsible ?
  64. What will happen to me if I choose to run away?
  65. How do I make sure my parents dont notice my piercing?
  66. Why am I scared of my own father?
  67. Why do I feel so resentful?
  68. What should I do about my mom being a pot head?
  69. What should I do about my Abusive Step Dad?
  70. What does sole legal and physical care, custody and control mean?
  71. How can a 15 year old go about getting amantapation?
  72. Who can help.. I stopped talking to my bro forever?
  73. Why is my mom acting so rude?
  74. How to hide thongs from your mom?
  75. Why are my parents doing this to me?
  76. What should I do I need advice now?
  77. How can I get my mom to let me dye my hair???
  78. How Can I getmy mom's boyfriend to leave runing out of my house?
  79. How do you talk your parents into letting you get a scene haircut?
  80. When can I get a lip percing and keep it hidin it from my parents?
  81. What exactly is ''being grounded''?
  82. Why should girls be spanked untill an older age?
  83. What are some Easter present ideas for our parents?
  84. Should I still say thank you ?
  85. What should I do when my sister is mean to me ?
  86. Why doesn't my fiances mother like me when I did nothing wrong?
  87. How can I tell my mom no?
  88. What happened when your always being compared to other people?
  89. What do I do if my sister is being mean to me?
  90. What, do you think it'd be better for me and my mom to move?
  91. How does my mother get cosudy at age 18?
  92. Why am I always comprared to my brother?
  93. How can I get my mom to let me dye my bottom hair pink???
  94. How or what can I do to make my mother happy?
  95. Why does my little sister do this?
  96. How do tell a father who is not mine that I look up to him?
  97. How to tell my Dad I want an ear piercing?
  98. How to make my parents like my boyfriend?
  99. How to go to your friends house when your mom said no?
  100. Why won't my mom talk to me?