What exactly is ''being grounded''?

okay so I got grounded by my dad 4 the first time, and its spring break … when I lived w.my mom she just took my phone 4 a few hours made a few calls on it and gave it back… bt I don’t know w.my dad … I have no tv and my room anyway, my laptop doesnt wrk. at all anyway, and im gonna b in the hospital tues. and wedns. so what exactly is being GROUNDED 4 me going 2 b?

Answer #1

mean you get stuff taken away cant do anything stuck in your room

Answer #2

Ask your dad? not random strangers that have no clue who your dad is, or what hes like… I mean you could ask us, but the answers we give can be mega vague… you ask him, its more likely to be straight forward. Unless he has a speach inpediment, then you might have some trouble understanding him…

Answer #3

I agree, ask your parents what will happen. I guess they are just not going to let you see/call/txt/ friends.

Answer #4

basicially no fun :)

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