Questions & Answers

  1. Can I use school shoes for playing badminton?
  2. How do I learn to stop talking?
  3. Would it be better to confront my husband about his sexuality or just leave it alone?
  4. Why is there a pattern going on in Teen Hollywood?
  5. Where was Oliver Sykes born?
  6. Does any other girl agree that women's and jr. size pants should actually be like men's sizes (read more)?
  7. Could this be a rash on my eye?
  8. What are some good acronyms for Moe?
  9. Why does the skin peel off my nose but no where else?
  10. Who do you think is a faster rapper - Eminem or Nicki Minaj?
  11. Can taking out money from my savings account affect the benefits I get?
  12. Who thinks Damon is going to die On the vmapire diaries?
  13. When George W. Bush flew in an F18 Hornet when he was President, did that plane's call sign switch to Airforce one?
  14. How come a lot of the old questions, like 2 - 3 years back, are seen on the site but the older content that more current users had aren't there any more?
  15. Where did the idea of the devil being red come from?
  16. Is it selfish for a girl to be upset when her boyfriend chooses his mother over her every time she calls?
  17. What's the big deal about the Royal wedding?
  18. Does anyone here know Darren Criss personally?
  19. Where can I find the guitar chords for 'When I get you alone'?
  20. What is the best way to watch NBA playoffs live streaming online with good quality ?
  21. Is it legal to keep a squirrel as a pet in London, Ontario?
  22. How do you change the background for PowerPoint?
  23. How many sit-ups and push-ups do you need to be able to do in a minute to pass the law enforcement physical exam?
  24. Is it unhealthy for my mom to start smoking again while pregnant?
  25. Do you agree with the 50 most beautiful from People magazine or do you think some of them are on the list just because they are famous?
  26. What is your favourite brand of foundation and why?
  27. Who killed the electric car?
  28. What should I do if my mom constantly hits me?
  29. What are some foods that fill you up quick and keep you full?
  30. How can I get a specific sneaker ASAP without ordering them online?
  31. What is MRSA and how do you get it?
  32. What should I wear to my mini photo-shoot?
  33. What is a leper?
  34. What colour accesories go well with a purple gown?
  35. What is the best type of baby food?
  36. Which Nicki Minaj wig is your favorite?
  37. Is Nicki Minaj really bald?
  38. How do I convince my mom to let me get rid of my chinese bangs?
  39. What are some ways to cheer up when your depressed?
  40. Can you go straight to Master's after getting an AA degree?
  41. How would I be able to get paid to travel?
  42. Would you describe yourself as a competitive person?
  43. What is a good European language to learn for the future?
  44. Does the Flip camcorder have a recorder?
  45. Are you all excited for the Royal Wedding tomorrow?
  46. Do you think that Liverpool will finish in 5th position in Premier League?
  47. Is GLEE series 2 out in DVD yet in the UK?
  48. Why is it so hard to get my little girl to eat every day?
  49. Is "Pentax" a good brand for cameras?
  50. When to decide to get yourself off birthcontrol?
  51. What colour should I be colouring my eyebrows?
  52. What would you do if you had to make $13,900 from online activities in 93 days?
  53. What can I do to help my daughter improve her comprehension skills?
  54. How do I find the average of these numbers?
  55. Does anyone know why we have had so many tornadoes already this year?
  56. How can you get rid of a hangnail on your little toe?
  57. How do I know if these bites are bed bug bites or spider bites?
  58. Who do you think should get their own room - the 8 year old or 17 year old?
  59. What are some cute, inexpensive things I could get my mom for Mother's Day?
  60. Is it true that they are trying to legalize weed in Canada?
  61. What are the atmospheric variables used to predict weather?
  62. Why do I only sweat when I put lotion on and run for a long period of time?
  63. What do I need to study in college to be a video game designer?
  64. How can I change my style a bit?
  65. How do I get my mom to get a snake?
  66. Do humans have any part in the forming of all these tornados?
  67. When do hospitals usually accept volunteer applications?
  68. What does it mean when the sky is yellow and it's thundering and there's no rain?
  69. What is the difference between bipolar and bipolar II?
  70. When are enrolments for online schools - in the summer or closer to when school's going to start?
  71. Are throat infections contagious?
  72. What's your opinion on name tags at work?
  73. What are some new touch screen phones that recently came out that I can upgrade my phone to?
  74. How should I organize a 10-slide slide show about abuse when I only have 3 major topics?
  75. What is the difference between the program Visual Basic and Visual Studio?
  76. Should I be taking protein/whey shakes?
  77. How do people predict star signs?
  78. Are you supposed to flush tampons?
  79. Where is this place in Germany?
  80. Would it be safe to double the dose of my dietary supplements if they have possibly lost their potency?
  81. How do I confront God?
  82. What's a number bigger than 1.5 but smaller than 1.6?
  83. How do I change my password on FunAdvice?
  84. Do you think men should be vaccinated and checked for HPV on a yearly basis?
  85. What would be my zodiac sign if my birthday was 27th of September?
  86. What type of legal forms could they have to force us to give them our land?
  87. Does yoga and meditation help with anger problems?
  88. Can you die from sleep apnea?
  89. Which Kashi cereal is the least crunchy?
  90. Why wouldn't someone hire a person that needs a job?
  91. What are some possible jobs for a person with cerebral palsy?
  92. Should I become a gym teacher or a nurse?
  93. Were there any pirates in the 19th century?
  94. Does anyone know a good modelling agency?
  95. How does my fashion sketch look?
  96. Are dietary supplements that have never been opened, but expired 2 years ago, harmful to take?
  97. How to train for an 8 km run as soon as possible?
  98. Can I learn any language by hypnosis?
  99. What do you need to make a fast model of an island?
  100. When you fill out the form at a walk-in clinic, do they send the information to your family doctor (read info)?