Where did the idea of the devil being red come from?

Answer #1

. Lucifer chose to be fashionable by colour-coordinating with the fiery inferno. .

Answer #2

the mind of a human

Answer #3

it sorta represent fire.

Answer #4

It is a very powerful color which insights violence.

Answer #5

but he’s a angel

Answer #6

he is a fallen angel.. not all angels are good. just Gods angels

Answer #7

Cute answer. However, I think the color red for the Devil was wrongly chosen. It should be very dark red. The color of suppressive aggression. It’s the combination of red and black. Red signifies aggression and black signifies suppression. The combination is dark red.

Answer #8

Bcus fire is red and hell is fire and he is the king of hell. :D

Answer #9

nobody really no’s……. i was wondering the same thing!!! how do we even the devil is a boy?

Answer #10

Lol. =D Wat makes u think othermise? lol. :D

Answer #11

lol :)

Answer #12

Lucifer’s real name is ….. . ……………………… Lucy Fur ….. . and, as a fallen angel, she does have wings:

Answer #13

well red reprsents bloood and fire cause i know how hell is fire well that my theory

Answer #14

I’d say that it is a man made concept. He was created to look scary to scare people…. However, Satan himself was an angel (the most beautiful angel actually). If he were to really appear he would appear as something inviting and great (which is why sin is so tempting). Not scary that makes you run away from him. Satan is the ultimate deceiver. So I don’t think he’d be red

Answer #15

I’d say that it is a man made concept. He was created to look scary to scare people…. However, Satan himself was an angel (the most beautiful angel actually). If he were to really appear he would appear as something inviting and great (which is why sin is so tempting). Not scary that makes you run away from him. Satan is the ultimate deceiver. So I don’t think he’d be red

Answer #16

The devils a women?

Answer #17

No. He’s just playing around! LOL! :D

Answer #18

Lool.. i was supposed to say: The devils a women now? :P aha lolx

Answer #19

Wherever it came from..Its not true. Satan/Lucifer was created immaculately beautiful by God. This is how teh Bible describes him Ezekiel 28:13

Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Can you imagine how Lovely he must look?

Answer #20

The fact that something is described in the Bible does not mean that it is true. Good Lord, there are even contradictory Genealogies of Jesus Christ in the Bible. They can’t all be true.

Answer #21

That may be so for you. As for me, I am grateful that God has chosen me to reveal himself to through the Word. It has changed my life and giiven me peace that I have found no where else. And I am excited to study this wonderful Book that through out the ages keeps revealing secrets. I LOVE IT!!!

Answer #22

o by the way.. about Jesus’ geneology. Both Luke and matthew give his Genoalogy. one is from Mary’s side and the other from Joseph’s side. This is what confuses some ppl.nits not a contradiction

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