Sex Questions

  1. My friend is scared
  2. What is wrong with us?
  3. Yeast infection?
  4. Why is it so easy to be misunderstood??
  5. Apostolics answer please, other types of christians can answer also
  6. How do I show her I'm interested?
  7. To do it or not to do it?
  8. Anyone have any really good ideas for boyfriend bday?
  9. Am I at my most fertile time?
  10. What is the best form of Birth Control?
  11. How do I let my ex go?
  12. Can you get pregnant if you haven't had sex?
  13. Adriana Lima do you think she's hot?
  14. Help with my drooling problem
  15. Should I say yes or no?
  16. Negative pregnancy test
  17. Is there any hope?
  18. Why would you say these numbers are so high ?
  19. Difference in loves
  20. Why would you want to do that?
  21. Isn't it funny that I used to think this?
  22. Husband problems
  23. How to tell him that he could be a father?
  24. Did I wait too long to take the Plan B pill?
  25. The opium wars
  26. How to get an Hour-Glass Figure?
  27. Wondering if I could be pregnant
  28. My boyfriend was sexually abused as a child
  29. Do I just have to move on?
  30. Is there something wrong with me?
  31. How can I make my boyfriend happy?
  32. What's an orgasm?
  33. Lower abdominal pain after sex
  34. Can you get pregnant from swallowing?
  35. Should I spit it out in a tissue?
  36. My mother doesn't speak with my anymore
  37. Guys what is sexy to you?
  38. Which one should I go with?
  39. Does masturbation warrant a pap smear?
  40. Goldfish breeding?
  41. How to be a sexy emo girl?
  42. Can you get horny from porn?
  43. Could I Be Pregnant?
  44. How much do women masturbate?
  45. My hips are too small
  46. Can you get pregnant this way?
  47. Implantation bleeding or pregnancy?
  48. Why is white stuff still coming out?
  49. Still having an erection after coming ?
  50. When should I take a pregnancy test
  51. How to know the sex of my turtle?
  52. Is there a religion that allows you to do this?
  53. Is not having a period for 2 months normal?
  54. Is there a Muslim here who is willing to talk?
  55. How to cry in anothers presence when hurt?
  56. Nothing is curing my yeast infection!
  57. Am I just being a sucker?
  58. Should I feel regret for giving my daughter up for adoption?
  59. How to know a good estimate of when I conceived?
  60. Scared I'm pregnant
  61. Is a bikini or a tankini more sexy?
  62. Best time to have sex without getting pregnant?
  63. How bad will the first time hurt?
  64. What does the Bible say about masturbation?
  65. Was my teacher discriminatory?
  66. Why do I bleed when I masturbate?
  67. Why am I still spotting?
  68. which colour of gloss is makes lips sexy?
  69. Difference between these sex terms?
  70. Can you get pregnant from anal sex?
  71. Family diet?
  72. Should we be concerned about these STDs?
  73. Why can't I conceive?
  74. How to find out if I'm pregnant?
  75. How to know if I'm pregnant?
  76. Ladies, what kind of body do you think is sexy?
  77. Girls: Do you remove your hair down there?
  78. Is there still a chance that I'm pregnant?
  79. Crazy Love: Proposal
  80. Was this the right choice?
  81. Did I get pregnant?
  82. Why can't I have an orgasm?
  83. How do I divorce my parents?
  84. Spirituality, morality, and religion?
  85. How to deal with peer pressure for sex?
  86. Did he rape me?
  87. My girlfriend stops being horny in the middle of sex
  88. Is it impossible for me to get pregnant again?
  89. A Question about doctor/client confidentially
  90. Why doesn't he want us to be official?
  91. What should I do if I love to masturbate?
  92. Can a private school discriminate based on sex?
  93. Dont know if im pregnant or not
  94. How do I know if im pregnant?
  95. Should I be waiting for the right person?
  96. Why do people like lil wayne so much?
  97. Do I believe him or not?
  98. My first time preparations
  99. How soon can I know I'm pregnant?
  100. Where's my period?