Is there a religion that allows you to do this?

Is there a religion that allows you 2 have sex wheneva you want except you cant have any alcohol?if so what is the name of that religion?

Answer #1

Most religions do not allow you to have sex anytime you feel like. (To answer your question about the alcohol, the name of the religion that obstains itself from alcohol is called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Answer #2

There are many religions that do not put restrictions on consensual sex such as Satanism, Wicca, and other pagan religions. I don’t know about the alcohol part though.

Answer #3

um. religions dont have like, rules. religions have belifes. and the religion im into is hebrew yisrael lights. we beleave in god almighty his name is YAHWEH YHWH. and in that religion, we beleave that love is the power of all, and that men are allowed to have more then one wife if he choose’s. (<<<I dont really like that one.)) but our religion dosnt forbid you from being sexually acctive. thats your bissness. do it when you choose. but we also dont fully support drinking. occassionally is fine, but not often. hope I helpd harmony~~

Answer #4

Christianity puts no restriction on sex, except outside of marriage. And then, you can do it, but, you will be living in sin.

Answer #5

Actually I was disscussing this and there has been no found relligion where sex is allowed out side or before marriage

unless your aethiest

Answer #6

why would you turn to religion? what does God say? what does the bible say?

Answer #7

uh, dude there’s wicca, voodoo, a whole sh*t load of pagan religions asain religions all types that allows you to have s3x whenever you feel like it However, I doubt there’s one founded in which it allows s3x whenever AND prevents alchohol

Answer #8

oh ya, I forgot to add in Satanism lol but ya

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